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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Phantom of the Opera?!?

Question:So...if you've seen the play, movie, or have read the book...Is there anyone who thinks that Christine should have chosen the phantom over Raoul?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So...if you've seen the play, movie, or have read the book...Is there anyone who thinks that Christine should have chosen the phantom over Raoul?

Well....I love the Phantom way more than Raoul, but I can see why see chose him over the Phantom..She'd known Raoul when they were little kids.....then the Phantom just kidnaps her in the night, makes her sing for him, and I imagine just being down in an underground lair would freak her out a little bit. x] So in comparsion, Raoul seems like a pretty good choice for her to go with.

I'd pick the Phantom, though. =]]

OMG OMG OMG i went to the 1 in prinsses theater 4 times it was so good and the dvd yea i feel sorry for the phantom she shoud have gone with him

She should ditch them both and contact me!

Well, the Phantom truly loves Christine, but the years of living in the sewers have made in a little bit crazy. While I think Christine bonded with him, she's in love with Raoul. I mean, she either goes with Raoul or spends the rest of her life down there with the Phantom. Not only that, the Phantom wants her to go, live her life and have her career.