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Question:i need help with an essay about aristophanes' wasps
did aristophanes write wasps solesly to make his audience laugh?? you dont need to write me an essay, just say your opinion and justify it

please answer!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need help with an essay about aristophanes' wasps
did aristophanes write wasps solesly to make his audience laugh?? you dont need to write me an essay, just say your opinion and justify it

please answer!

I admit to not having read Wasps, but from what I know of the Frogs, Birds, and playing in Lysistrata Aristophanes almost always wanted to make his audience think, as well as laugh. The Greek New Comics were highly political and very edgy. Some of Aristophanes' pet topics were the army and gender roles, if that's any help.

There are lots of books about Greek comedy -- check your library and I'm sure there'll be something useful.

Greek plays are painfully easy to analyze. Just look at the last speech of the chorus. The playwright tells his audience what he wants the audience to learn from the play. In this case, he seems to be defending his work from an ungrateful public.