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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What happens at the end of the play 'Shining City'?

Question:I read the whole play, and found out that the LAST PAGE is missing! Please, someone tell me what happens at the end, I heard its 'shocking'


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I read the whole play, and found out that the LAST PAGE is missing! Please, someone tell me what happens at the end, I heard its 'shocking'


I'm not sure where you left off but I'll try and give a brief summary of the end.

At the end, which would be the last scene of the play, Ian is leaving his office to move in with Nessa. John comes to terms with the things he was seeing but tells Ian it would have been nice to have seen something, just as proof there is an afterlife.

After John leaves Ian is alone. Ian opens a door and there in is the ghost of John's wife. She comes to haunt him now because John still seeing her was almost her last form of revenge. Ian took that away from her and she is getting retribution.

If you ever get a chance to see this play staged, go! It was adapted beautifully for Broadway and other houses have done very nice work with it.