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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I just got the lead in my school play!?

Question:I'm soo happy! They normally give the lead to older kids but I'm younger than anyone who auditioned. Yay! Does anyone have any tips for me on acting? I've been singing since I was 2, but acting... not so much. Thanks everyone!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm soo happy! They normally give the lead to older kids but I'm younger than anyone who auditioned. Yay! Does anyone have any tips for me on acting? I've been singing since I was 2, but acting... not so much. Thanks everyone!


I have a couple of things:

1. Try to stay in character
2. Make sure you memorise those lines in plenty of time :)
3. An interesting exercise it to ask yourself the following questions about your character

- Who am I?
How do I appear outwardly and what am I inwardly?
What has happened in my life to make me what I am?

- Where am I for each scene?
My character will feel differently according to the location.

- When is it?
I will be conditioned by the period in which I live, and by the clothes that I wear.
What do the clothes tell me about how I would move?

- What do I want?
If you are not sure , invent some aim for you character that only you know.
(It will give depth to your performance - it's your secret)

- What obstacles do I have to overcome to achieve my aims?
Someones hatred? Someones incompetence?
My own doubts?

- What effect do I want to make ( overall and in each scene)
Appear vulnerable? Strong? Terrified? Charming? Remorseful? Authoritative?

- Who am I talking to?
My best friend? My enemy? My lover?

Break a leg!!! :)

Practice and learn from other actors

tips on acting will depend on what show you're doing but here's a general one. If you're not shy then go for it. Don't hold back and if the director thinks it's too much they'll let you know.

Just believe what you are saying. Put yourself in the situation of the character and act how you would. This is called method acting. You may start to hear this a lot, and it works. Trust me. And remember that when you go on stage, you are not yourself, you are your character. Don't just recite lines, mean what you say, like you do in life. I hope this helps in some way. If you want to read up on method acting, try the link :D Good Luck!

always face your audience and dont turn your back to them unless it is in the script or you are walking off stage. And SPEAK LOUDLY!! =) lol, I always got yelled at bc I never spoke loud enough. It may sound horrible to you, but to the audience, thats what they want is to hear you! ...and just have confidence. If you mess up or forget a line- say "line please"and someone will give it to you who has a script like your director. One more thing is don't play with your hair or clothes as a nervous habbit or even bounce on your feet- keep it cool and believe in yourself!!! Congratulations on the lead role!!!!! =)