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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> 9/11, has anyone lost anyone close in it?

Question:Has any-one lost anyone close in it ?

If they have could you please tell me how it feels ?

Im writing a monologue and need some help.

Thanks =]?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Has any-one lost anyone close in it ?

If they have could you please tell me how it feels ?

Im writing a monologue and need some help.

Thanks =]?

Trust your heart. Put yourself in it. Tell a story, and don't hold back on the gritty details. Show us the dust, the fear, the uncertainty. Tell it from your own perspective. Do you remember where you were and what you were doing that day? Your own story, with your own thoughts and feelings, will be more powerful than a fiction, or a retelling of that day. There is nothing more tiresome than a phony, forced account of 9/11. Tell it from your own life, and your own heart. Tell us what you did, what you felt, your fears, and your own sense of right and wrong. Tell us what you would have done to help if you could have. And tell us who you are now, and how the event changed you.

yes lol