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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I need your opinion.....?

Question:I have been really anxious since Friday night. I auditioned for my school play, The Wizard of Oz. Basically I had to sing a line from Somewhere Over The Rainbow and read a part from the script, then the producer told us how to change it, like to make one part mad or happy ect. I got to see others audition and when they were reading the Producer cut them off half way through the part we were reading to add to it and then only made them redo it once. When it was my turn, he let me read all of the part and made me redo it twice. I asked a few people who's audition I didn't see and they said they only had to redo it once. The producer and the director seemed to really like me. I am just wondering what you think it means that I had to redo it twice.

P.S. I have been going to drama camp since I was 6 and I'm 15 now, so I have Acting expierience.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have been really anxious since Friday night. I auditioned for my school play, The Wizard of Oz. Basically I had to sing a line from Somewhere Over The Rainbow and read a part from the script, then the producer told us how to change it, like to make one part mad or happy ect. I got to see others audition and when they were reading the Producer cut them off half way through the part we were reading to add to it and then only made them redo it once. When it was my turn, he let me read all of the part and made me redo it twice. I asked a few people who's audition I didn't see and they said they only had to redo it once. The producer and the director seemed to really like me. I am just wondering what you think it means that I had to redo it twice.

P.S. I have been going to drama camp since I was 6 and I'm 15 now, so I have Acting expierience.

ya i think they liked you they probly made u redo it 2 times to make sure you were the one they definitly wanted and they cut every1 else off cuz they didnt like them best of luck and break a leg i no that measn gud luck n show biz
----------4m Luna

they very well could have wanted to see your consistency in performance to make sure no matter what amount of repitetion you have to endure you can still be just as good as the first time you recited it. also, they may have been admiring a 'special something' in your performance that they didn't see with others.

if i were you and had acting experience and knew myself to be talented and enjoyed acting then as far as i would be concerned they just enjoyed my performance enough to ask me to repeat myself one extra time ;). confidence is key!

My opinion is that you need to be happy that you did your best and you need to focus on something else. You'll have a very unhappy career if you spend much time worrying how you did in past auditions. That time is better spent on focusing on your current work or your current or next audition.

Maybe you were what they wanted and maybe you weren't but all actors reach a level where they're in good competition and they get passed by. The actors that are happiest with their careers focus on the present and focus on improving their skills for the next audition. There's always another.

Good luck with it. It sounds like you like performing enough to put a lot of work into it. Keep having fun. The work will come if you focus on your skills instead of trying to read minds. :-)

One of the first rules of auditioning is you should NEVER read into the reactions of your auditioners. They were probably nice to everyone that came in. You can drive yourself crazy trying to interpret their reactions or what they said to you but you won't know what they were thinking until you see the cast list.
They ask you to re-read things to see how you take direction. It happens a lot.