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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> British accent?

Question:For a role I will be playing next month I will need to speak in a British accent. I was wondering if anyone had any tips? Thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For a role I will be playing next month I will need to speak in a British accent. I was wondering if anyone had any tips? Thanks

I'd rent a bunch of movies like "Bridget Jones' Diary" - both 1 & 2 - any movie you can watch with a british actor - Kira Knightly is great too - every time I watch "Bridget Jones" or a movie with Kinghtly, I feel like I want to speak in a british accent afterwards.
Hope this helps - good luck with the role :)

Watch Mr Bean and the Thin Blue Line.

Pick a Brit that you would like to sound like and watch their movies. Although Bridget Jones' accent is cute, it's kind of fake sounding. After all, Renee Zelwegger is an American.

Say "OY!!!!" alot. And stop brushing your teeth. I think their nasty teeth may affect their accents.

The short answer is here:

The long answer:

This is a worldwide forum, so the answer might depend on where you are. If you're in the U.S., consider that your question is sort of like asking about an "American Accent". Does an American from south Philadelphia have an accent that's similar to an American from east Texas?

Post again, letting us know your native accent and the specific location in Great Britain of the character you'll be portraying.

See The Chronicles of Narnia
that is a perfect movie
thats the disney one
year 2005

Don't copy Dick Van Dyke in "Mary Poppins"!
Seriously, it really does depend on the character and where they're from.Is the character posh, i.e. upper class? Or are they 'working class'? Are they from the north, e.g. as in D.H.Lawrence or the south, e.g. as in Thomas Hardy? Are they Cockney, e.g. as in "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels?"
Are they Scots, e.g. as in "Trainspotting?"
Watch videos of good British actors or listen to audio tapes, talking books etc. Also, is the character you're playing modern or historical, as in Dickens or Jane Austen?
Good luck.

browse the speech accent archive.

there is no such thing as a british accent, its either, english, welsh or scottish, and if its english, which part of england, theres a lot of different accents. (stupid americans)

The british accent is picked up when speaking with your toungue at the tip of your mouth. The top inside of the mouth.