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Question:I want to be in a broadway play but I have an austrailian accent. Help me!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to be in a broadway play but I have an austrailian accent. Help me!

David Allen Stern has an Standard American Dialect CD you can order it online.

Other than that just watch us yanks on tv and imitate us, Austrailian Accents I have noticed is focus near the front of the mouth right behind the teeth and has a lot of tight lip movement.

Americans tend to open their mouths really wide and the sound seems focus more in the center of the mouth. At least us Californians and our accent tends to be the general non regional American Accent.

Hope this helps! Good luck!

get a speech theripist, that's what I did with my brittish one or just accept your Austrailian accent, I wish I had one!

Hire a good dialect coach. Losing an "accent" is really about learning the "accepted" or "standard" dialect.

Let us know what city you're in and we might be able to recommend specific coaches in your area.

Well, for instance Tom Hanks in Forrest Gump-He had to have an accent. Another actress from australia is having a voice therapist teach her how to talk like a New Yorker. Do a search on google for a voice therapist. These are the people who will guide you and make you the person with or without an accent.

Hope that helps!


Record yourself, play it back, listen carefully. Work closely and listen to the dialect you are trying to adopt, and work at it.

Watch My Fair Lady and then pratice.