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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Tips on how to memerize lines for a play.?

Question:I have a play to do, and was wondering if any body has any tips for memorizing lines.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a play to do, and was wondering if any body has any tips for memorizing lines.

Reading with someone always help! Practice reading with someone because then the lines the person before you says will help you figure out what you are suppose to say. So much easier!

making them into a song and singing them always helps me.

read in sections of threee lines works a treat

write and repeat

Practacing with a partner and just repition. Reading and saying them out loud.

record you speaking the lines onto a cd or tape recorder and then listen to it in bed while you sleep

write them and work with somenone

Read a little bit, say it out loud, commit it to memory. Read a little bit more, say it out loud, be sure it's committed to memory, and repeat from the last little bit. It takes a little while, but it works.

Think of catchy phases.

Yes, I have a photographic memory but this also helps, try reading a couple lines over and over again and without the script, say it a couple times, do this for the rest of the play and memorize bit by bit. This should help because it did for me when I was doing my Mid-Summer Night's Dream in grade six by shakespear.