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Question:Well, I want to be an actor when I am older because It just looks so fun! But I don't know How to get started that's the problem.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Well, I want to be an actor when I am older because It just looks so fun! But I don't know How to get started that's the problem.

DO NOT take Justin C's advice. Do not...
Most the people that answered have the right idea. First you should take a drama or speaking class for a little while, if there's one at your school. If there's not, then see if your local theater has some.
Step 2: audition for a part. If your school or theater are having plays coming up, find out the date and sign up. Find a monologue(an either funny or dramatic speech for one person). You can find them in books at your library or bookstore. You can find some for free on the internet, if you do a little research. But I'll advise you, most, I mean MOST monologues you find on the internet are not very good. You can also pay on the internet to get some, but that's not too reliable.
The monologue should be within 1-4 minutes long, in an audition the play people usually don't have too much time and cut you off, just judging you by your first few sentences. If you're auditioning for a musical, you'll need your monologue and usually around 16 bars of music for you to sing. Sometimes they have you dance, so memorizing a dance sequence could become useful.
Once you find your auditioning material, I can only give you a little advice. PRACTICE, practice, practice. Practice for your friends, your family, your dog, and in front of a mirror.
Another major thing is fidgeting during your monologue. You should plan out any movements you make, and try not to move around unless it goes along with your monologue.
Step 3: when you get a part. Most the time when you audition, if its a big play, you get a part no matter what because they need extras. If you get a small part, don't fret. You still get the experience, and you find out if you want to continue in theatre. Show up on time, practice and show them what you've got so they'll remember next time they're casting.
If you get the part you tried for, or another major part, congratulations! All I can say now is to show up for practice on time and impress them!

Hope you get into drama =]


trust me, no you don't... just try community theater for a couple of years. you'll know what i mean.

Well just because it looks fun doesnt mean your going to be good at it and that its not an extremely stressful job.But I say if you actually have a passion for it like I do. Join school plays or local theaters. Take classes. The when your ready find an agent. Good luck and I hope your dreams come true.

If you are near the Hollywood Area and are over 18, try Central casting. I have done 2 commercials, 2 feature film, 1 television show

One choice is to go to school for it like an acting school or something.

Another possibility would be to audition for local things like being an extra in a movie or something, it is always a good way to get your name out there.

You could audition for commercials as well because a lot of times that gets you noticed and leads to better things.

No matter what you do you need to get you name out there and you can't show that you are nervous because then you will never get your self anywhere. You need to make sure that you keep trying and keep auditioning.

~good luck~

i would take drama class but if peopel make fun at u than i just try pacticing in your room

if you wanna be famous. be a dick. screw a rich famous girl amd get on drugs and goto rehab

One of the best ways to break into acting is through your local community. Find out what public theaters are having open auditions and try out.

Become involved in acting classes at your local college, network, and gain as much exposure as possible.

My friend's little brother started acting at age 5 (here in San Diego) through the local theaters and community colleges and now at age 10 has been invited to play supporting roles in various major motion film productions.

Granted, there is no sure-fire way of becoming discovered as an actor your best bet is to give yourself as many opportunities to be discovered through local theaters and small productions.

You have to realize that acting is an incredible amount of work, too. Only 3% of actors actually have a successful career. To get started you should start participating in your school's drama department. If your school doesn't have a drama department you could start a drama club. Or you could tryout for community productions which are always easier to find during the fall. You could take acting lessons, but I personally don't think it's at all helpful. The only way to get better at acting is to be in more productions and experience it. But that's only one person's opinion.

Firstly u have to be good at acting, u have to carry on ur genes what i call the "gift".
Seconly u have to improve what u already know (or learn everything) ps: there r many groups that do that.
When u feel that u r good enough then u start looking for some agencies that will test how good u r at acting...
then if u start to make a lot of money then u start sending me 1/4 of all that u earn... shaushauhsauhsau :D just a joke to make the life better! :D

I think that is really good. First thing, is to start planning now, and make it happen. I felt the same way. I took drama in high school. IT'S always difficult in front of a large crowd. The 'Butterflies', or nervous feeling, NEVER goes away. It's a RUSH, and ALWAYS there. Always will be. I took gymnastics, and always worked out, to stay fit. It paid off. I will though remain anonymous. I was really psychically fit. I paid the price, and went to Pro-Wrestling School. You have to audition first. They want to know at the get go, if you are even moldable. They DON'T JUST take your money. You have to pass muster, just like getting through Boot Camp, in the Service. NOT EVERYONE makes it. Been there, done that. I survived 6 weeks of pure beat downs. It was WAY WORSE that boot camp in the service. Been on TV. Done that. Retired now. I'd do it again. I encourage you to follow your dream. A solid foundation holds a heavy, and difficult dream. You'll feel like a Jobber in the beginning, but it takes time.