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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do i go about getting work performing/acting? Do my qualifications count?

Question:Okay, well i have my Grade 5 AMEB Drama & Communication certificate, going for grade 6/diploma this year, does this count for anything when getting a job acting, because dont you usually just turn up to an audition and perform and thats it? Also, how do i go about getting jobs in this industry? I dont think i will end up going down that path, but i would still like to know. Thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay, well i have my Grade 5 AMEB Drama & Communication certificate, going for grade 6/diploma this year, does this count for anything when getting a job acting, because dont you usually just turn up to an audition and perform and thats it? Also, how do i go about getting jobs in this industry? I dont think i will end up going down that path, but i would still like to know. Thanks.

Diplomas/degrees for most any art matter only if a) you're trying to get a teaching job or b) you're working in commercial work under a union.

Honestly, unless you want to teach, it's a bit of waste. The only reason to go to school for such a thing is for the connections... however, connections aren't always guaranteed, and having connections isn't really a guarantee (though it's definitely an advantage).

That said... how do you get performing/acting jobs? Any way you can. The most common method is showing up, auditioning, etc... However, that's certainly not the only way. Your imagination is the limit for getting exposure, noticed by who needs to notice you, and job offers.

Of course, that very freedom is what can make it so difficult... whoever's casting could hold an open casting call and audition people all day... then later that night on the way home stop at 7/11 for some cigarettes and decide to hire the girl at the counter. Likewise, unless your credentials include some fame and a bit of a following to market to (ie: you already have your own audience), they don't matter. You can study for 10 years and someone else who just decided to give it a try the day before could get it instead.

Some casting calls are open (ie: they're advertised and anyone can show up), and others are by invite only... in the latter, you need connections. However, in order to get those connections you need to get work without any connections first, which can be difficult (as open casting is a cattle call with hundreds of people... by invite is exclusive with maybe 5 - 20 people max auditioning).

Also, it depends on what you're going out for. Most theatre companies and the lot have open auditions, often advertised for months in advance on their website (with requirements outlines). Most major productions are by invite, but not always.

Some people have even been "discovered" through posting videos on YouTube, etc... Of course, most people who go that route are never successful at it. Some people go to open mics and perform scenes from plays/movies and are discovered within a few months. Others are still doing it as a fruitless hobby at 40.

If you do go that route... a lot of guts, a fair amount of ingenuity, and a little imagination... and you'll be fine. Of course, those traits (in such a combination) are more rare than they seem.

If you want to act , like me get an agent and they'll bring you up thins straight away , if you don't like them say no!!