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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I get rid of Stage Fright?

Question:My dream is to be an actress, but I have really bad stage fright and I want to know how I can overcome it!!!!!!! Help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My dream is to be an actress, but I have really bad stage fright and I want to know how I can overcome it!!!!!!! Help!

All actors I know have stage gitters butonce on stage a transformation takes place and they do their job...
It is a job and you have to concentrate on it...
Experience helps but you are human and will have the gitters as long as act

I read where someone pictures the audience naked, or that they're sacks of dung. I think of people sitting on toilets grunting.

I don't really have any professional tips, but I can tell you what helped me when I was really nervous about something. I have Social Anxiety Disorder, and while I'm not completely over it .. I'm taking small steps to get there (I'm trying to get there on my own, without the help of medication or a doctor's help). I don't know if you are a spiritual person, and I don't mean to offend you in anyway, but I find taking out 5 minutes of my day and praying to God really helps calm my nerves. I also found a song that I really love, and that I feel I can relate too, whenever I start feeling nervous I just play that song, and sing along to it, and remember that I want to accomplish something that I was fearful of. It's not an easy task, but I have found that the situation is never as bad as your mind is making it out to be. Sometimes you just need to take a deep breathe and push yourself to do what you have to do. Have confidence in yourself! :)

stay aware of the crowd, but don't stare at them. i have the jitters befor i get on stage for band and a play but i just don't look at them and keep my mind on track on the task at hand.