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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Monologue for Audition?

Question:My sister is auditioning for a very prestigious summer program, and she needs a monologue. It should be around 2 or 3 minutes, and there are a few stipulations. It has to be from a play--no movies, nothing just made up, nothing just written for the sake of being a monologue and stuck on a website. That leaves a very narrow spectrum of choices, especially since it must be age-appropriate, as well, and she is 16. Any ideas of something that might work that is easy to find?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My sister is auditioning for a very prestigious summer program, and she needs a monologue. It should be around 2 or 3 minutes, and there are a few stipulations. It has to be from a play--no movies, nothing just made up, nothing just written for the sake of being a monologue and stuck on a website. That leaves a very narrow spectrum of choices, especially since it must be age-appropriate, as well, and she is 16. Any ideas of something that might work that is easy to find?


The Trojan Women (Euripides)
Character: Andromanche
Approx. Length: 2:30 (2 min. 30 sec.)
Where: I. 740
First Line: "O darling child I loved too well..."

The Trojan Women (Euripides)
Character: Helen
Approx. Length: 2:30
Where: I. 914
First Line: "Perhaps it will make no difference"


A Midsummer Night's Dream (Shakespeare)
Character: Titania
Approx. Length: 2:00
Where: II i 65
First Line: "Then I must be thy lady..."

The Misanthrope (Moliere)
Character: Celimene
Approx. Length: 2:00
Where: III iv 913
First Line: "Madame, do not misjudge my attitude..."

The School For Wives (Moliere)
Character: Agnes
Approx. Length: 2:00
Where: II v
First Line: "It's the most amazing story..."


A Sea of White Horses (Peter Dee)
Character: Janice (age 18)
Approx. Length: 2:00
Where: I
First Line: "I'm still trying to..."

Living at Home (Anthony Giardina)
Character: Mary (19)
Approx. Length: 2:15
Where: I, 2
First Line: "I guess I must..."

The Love Suicide at Schofield Barracks (Romulus Linney)
Character: Miss Borden (19)
Approx. Length: 2:00
Where: II
First Line: "His wife asked me over..."


The Lucky Spot (Beth Henley)
Character: Cassidy (15, Southern)
Approx. Length: 2:30
Where: II, 2
First Line: "Look here, my knees..."

Slow Dance on the Killing Ground (William Hanley)
Character: Rosie (18)
Approx. Length: 2:15
Where: II, 1
First Line: "If you knew me better..."

These are the ones I could find right off with your time range. If you don't mind something less than 2 minutes - perhaps 1:30 or 1:45, I could come up with more. And if she thinks she could do a monologue of a character who is 20 or in their early 20's, I could come up with more as well.

Good lick to your sister!

Your best bet is to go to Barnes and Noble or any other bookstore nearby and buy a monologue book. I audition every year for my theatre class, so my monologue books help tremendously. Looking on the Internet is tough when searching for a monologue like that. I highly recommend buying a book. You'll find one; just ask where you can find one when you get there. Try looking at theTheatre section near movies.

i had to memorize a part of the play "the merchant of venice", by shakespeare. i memorized it in 2 days... how about she does some shakespear.....the harder language might surprise the audience or whoever ur auditioning for LOl and she has many months to memorize so it should be easy...its been about a month i still remember the part. lol

tell her to not worrie and have fun with it : )

get the play Picnic by Wm Inge and look at the little sister role for her. Combine her fight scene with Madge speeches into a great monologue!