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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> For people that are in their school plays?

Question:I just got done doing the musical annie with my highschool, and i have done almost every sport and such, but being involved in drama was the most amazing experience ever. In sports it seems like freshmen can't talk to the seniors and so forth. My question is why do people that do drama seem uncool and nerdy? When actually it is one of the best things i've done.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just got done doing the musical annie with my highschool, and i have done almost every sport and such, but being involved in drama was the most amazing experience ever. In sports it seems like freshmen can't talk to the seniors and so forth. My question is why do people that do drama seem uncool and nerdy? When actually it is one of the best things i've done.

Looking back on my (very similar) experience, I'd say there are several factors.

1. Theatre people are more expressive in general. They don't tend to care much what other people think of them. This makes them seem uncool, in reality, it makes them better friends. When you wear off-the-wall clothes and skip down the hall singing, how can you possibly call anyone else weird?

2. Theatre is a collaborative effort. No sport can combine so many groups of people to accomplish a goal. Think about it. You've got your actors. Tech kids. Stage managers. Band. All working together. In sports, you just have the team.

3. Theatre has a culminating event that you work toward as a group. Opening night is to theatre kids sort of like state championships is to sports kids.

4. (And this might just be MY experience, but) theatre kids work more at theatre than sports kids work at sports. I won't say they work HARDER...I know running 3 miles in the freezing NJ winter was harder than learning music, but in the musical, we would routinely have rehearsals from right after school until 9 at night, all day rehearsals on spend SO much time together, and so much down time when you're not on stage that you build relationships on this experience that no one will understand except the people who were there with you.

Doing theatre in High School was the best thing I ever did. I still look back on it fondly, 10 years later. And, for the record, I still do theatre. I just get paid to do it now. =)

I think it is because they don't fall into the "cliques" that have been created. It takes a diversity to run a good theatre. They also tend to be a little more intelligent than most randomly selected high school students.

I've always wondered that too, maybe people think all plays are musicals and therefore lame.

They are not afraid of expressing themselves, and they could care less what others think of them, they are not bound by opinion and are used to interacting with diverse groups for a common goal, they accept everyone.

screw sports. drama is the coolest thing ive ever done. i know that everyone thinks its weird to be the drama groupie. i get weird looks when my bff and i sing down the hall different broadway tunes. i think its because people are jealous of actors and actresses. i personally think it takes a lot more to do a play than compete in a sports match or game. i also think they are a bit intimidated by us, because we show our emotions so much. and are able to express ourselves and become someone complelty differnt.
but whatever the reason. dont stop drama!! i had to this year, because im going on a foreign exhcange. i miss it already and im going back to it next year for sure!
break a leg~

I think the people in drama always seem so awkward and nerdy because they're totally off-the-wall, and they really don't care about what people think.

I am one of those cool kids. And yes, it is one of the most amazing things you can ever do in high school. You should stop caring about being nerdy, and start having fun.

Acting is amazing! I don't know how it happened, because at least at my school it seems a lot more accepted for girls to be interested in drama than guys, because guys think that you have to play sports to be "cool" but some of the coolest guys I've met are into drama. Don't stop doing it just because you think some people don't like you. It's stupid. And yeah, I also play tennis and do drama, and in tennis I mostly talked to the other freshman and sometimes sophomore tennis players (I'm a freshman) and in drama, I talked and hung out with everyone, seniors or not. Forgot cool, just do what you want!

the root to most evils...jealousy