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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Bratty Girl Acting Piece?

Question:I need an acting piece to present. It can be multiple people if need be... I need it to be online where I can access it though, or you could email it to me at my yahoo account ( . It should be a young bratty girl(s) either complaining "I want this and that" to a nanny or her parent(s). Something like that or her complaining about the uncleanliness or something...i don't know but something like that would be good. Please, I really need your help. Thanks.

P.S. - Don't forget to either email it to me or put an internet site where I can find it.

P.S.S. - I promise to vote for a best answer. :)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need an acting piece to present. It can be multiple people if need be... I need it to be online where I can access it though, or you could email it to me at my yahoo account ( . It should be a young bratty girl(s) either complaining "I want this and that" to a nanny or her parent(s). Something like that or her complaining about the uncleanliness or something...i don't know but something like that would be good. Please, I really need your help. Thanks.

P.S. - Don't forget to either email it to me or put an internet site where I can find it.

P.S.S. - I promise to vote for a best answer. :)


Here are a couple possibilities.

"The Stepsister Speaks Out".

It isn't easy being the ugly stepsister. Everybody always feels so sorry for poor little Cinderella, but what about me? I deserve a little sympathy, too. Does MY fairy godmother ever turn up with a magic wand? Does the prince ever dance with me at the ball? Not on your life. The best I can ever hope for with my pumpkins is a decent piece of pie. And as for the rats, well, rats are rats, with their sneaky eyes and skinny tails, nibbling and gnawing at the garbage. I never saw one yet who turned into a coachman.

If you ask me, that Cinderella is weird. Certainly, she isn't normal. Besides the fact that she has naturally curly hair and wears size 4 1/2 shoes, she is so good-natured that it's downright sickening. If you had to dust and sweep and clean all day long, would you go around singing to the birds? Of course you wouldn't. No sensible person would.

A lot of people think I'm jealous of her. Maybe I am. And with good reason. I subsisted on seven hundred calories a day for three whole weeks before the ball. I did my leg-lift exercises faithfully. I got a perm and a facial and a manicure. I even bought a new gown. Blue velvet. Designer label. I mean, I was READY. PRINCEY, I thought to myself, HERE I COME!

And what happens? Little Cindy, who has never seen the inside of a health club in her life and who doesn't know the caloric difference between a carrot stick and a chocolate eclair, whips together a dress out of some old curtains from K-Mart, waltzes off to the ball and snags the prince.

It isn't fair! It really isn't fair!


Veruca Salt from "Willy Wonka"

WHERE'S MY GOLDEN TICKET? I WANT MY GOLDEN TICKET! Oh yes, here it is. As soon as I told my father I just simply HAD to have one of those golden tickets, he went out into to town and started buying up all the Willie Wonka candy bars he could lay his hands on. Thousands and thousands of them! Then he had all the workers in his factory yanking off the wrappers of all those bars of chocolate, full speed ahead, morning and night! For three days, no luck, it was terrible! I would lie for hours and hours on the floor kicking and screaming "I WANT MY GOLDEN TICKET", "I WANT MY GOLDEN TICKET". Finally, on the fourth day, someone found it and now...I'm all smiles...and we have a happy home.

How about Verruca from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory? You could get the book from the library and make your own monologue if you can't find the script. I don't think you'll find it on line though. Good luck!