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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Does it cost to have an agent?

Question:My sister is looking for an acting/modeling agent...does it cost? If so how much approxiamtely and where can we find a list of agents?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My sister is looking for an acting/modeling agent...does it cost? If so how much approxiamtely and where can we find a list of agents?

A proper agent will only charge a percentage on paid work they get for you. Ask around, contact equity
dont get ripped off. DOnt pay up front. The world is full of pretty girls who are niave and pay hundreds of punds for picture portfolios and all that. A good agent will only take on someone he or she knows can get work and make him and your sister money. A good agent will invest some of his or her money in a portfolio etc. I don't know what they charge. Maybe 15%. Look up Equity on the internet and see if they can help. PS When she's a star can I have a part in her 2nd movie!!!

yes,there is nothing free in this world.

She would pay a percentage of her earnings from the work the agent gets her. Usually about 20% but this is tax deductable.

They don't get paid until you get a paid job through them.
Agents work on commission basis. You don't work, they don't get paid!

Agents make their money from finding you work and taking a percentage of your earnings. Never pay up front. If you are any good they'll be falling over each other to represent you. Otherwise pay for your own photos / portfolio and look for work yourself. Be careful to take someone with you if you go for a session. Too many girls are lured into the sex modelling game.

dont pay up front for your agent. you can pay hundreds of pounds and see them run off with your money. an agent will take 20 percent of the money you earn through them finding you jobs.
here is a link to modeling agencies for you hope this helped x

Yes , it usually costs a fair percentage to pay an agent!
(unless its a parent , partner , or relative)