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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Comic character for drama class?

Question:I have to make up a comic character, and perform for the class
but i have no ideas, can someone give me any ideas?
i have to perform tomorrow.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have to make up a comic character, and perform for the class
but i have no ideas, can someone give me any ideas?
i have to perform tomorrow.

Start with the basic formula for comedy - take something normal, then put it into a different context. Examples: The country kid's first time in the big city. Girl meets boy's family, and she keeps making goofs because his family is from a different culture. Learning to do something for the first time and getting it wrong (but the audience already knows how).

Then, what does the character do in that situation? Does the situation start normal and then by two or three steps, gets totally out of control? Does the audience know something about the situation that the character doesn't? Does the character start out with a common statement, but through a series of steps it goes in a funny direction (reducto ad absurdum)?

Stay away from political, religious, and cultural humor (somebody will not get it, or will be offended), satire (unless your classmates are very smart), and physical humor (falling down is funny the first time, but don't try to build a short-notice performance on it unless you are already a trained mime).

Don't just tell the story - get into the situation. Some comedians have used a simple prop, like a telephone or a banana, to represent various things in the scene. Do you have a hat that can be turned into several shapes, as the character changes, or to represent two characters in a dialog done by the same actor?

Some comedians define comedy as the juxtaposition (placing one thing on top of another) of two perfectly normal things that don't quite match, and then exploiting the mismatch.

I hope these examples can get you thinking! Now, quick, write down five ideas, select three of them and write some notes, then take the best of the three and write your scene!



What is a comic character? sorry.


use snow white or something and be some stock character like a totally ditsy dumb blonde. that's always funny. or act like a little girl and call urself polka and have a doll/immaginary doll called dot. i'm in drama too, and i have to do so many dif. characters it's not even funny.

Why not someone who's completely paranoid and their only joy in life are there twelve cats, all named after Greek Gods?