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it's a musical. and i really want to get the part.
* What songs do i need to learn ?
*how can i practice being angry, sad and like English soft voice like how she talk. you know you've probably all seen the movie how can i learn to talk like that.
*tips on fake crying
*tips on fake yelling, like when you're angry.
*how to practice sword fighting , and how to sword fight.
how to pronounce Wendy's full name.
How can i really impress the judges.
and what other roles in peter pan should i think about adishioning for. I want something biggish not a pirate not a lost boy my friend is trying out for tiger lily so what else is there i don't want to me an Indian or a mermaid what else could try please help. Bessie.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I AM AUDITIONING FOR WENDY IN PETER PAN>>>>
it's a musical. and i really want to get the part.
* What songs do i need to learn ?
*how can i practice being angry, sad and like English soft voice like how she talk. you know you've probably all seen the movie how can i learn to talk like that.
*tips on fake crying
*tips on fake yelling, like when you're angry.
*how to practice sword fighting , and how to sword fight.
how to pronounce Wendy's full name.
How can i really impress the judges.
and what other roles in peter pan should i think about adishioning for. I want something biggish not a pirate not a lost boy my friend is trying out for tiger lily so what else is there i don't want to me an Indian or a mermaid what else could try please help. Bessie.

You need to choose a song that is similar to the songs in the show. Maybe sing some Disney song...When you wish upon a star...something like that.

As far as the rest of it can't fake it. You have to believe that you are that character. You have to get into the mind set of who the character is and bring her to life. Wendy portrays the mother figure to all the lost boys...she is patient, but does loose her temper here and there. She isn't mean. Try to remember what it was like playing house when you were a little kid. She is a little girl trying to act like an adult.

In order to cry you have to actually listen to what you are saying as the character or what other characters are saying to you. You have to be able to relate to the character's emotions in order to bring the character to life.

As far as sword fighting...stage combat is choreographed. That is something that you would pick up in the rehearsal process. It is carefully planned out so that no one is hurt. They teach it to you in different speeds and then eventually they increase the speed so that it looks realistic.

As far as accomplishing the British accent I suggest watching the Harry Potter films and paying close attenting to the Hermione Granger accent. Wendy's family does have status so her accent is a proper one. As far as the pronunciation of her name...Wendy Moira Angela Darling the middle name Moira (moy-ee-rah)

Good Luck

Come to SC. We have the best film school in America.

SWEENY TODD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

watch the Rocky Horror Picture Show
now thats acting!!!!!!
Its just a jump to the left!!!!!!!

Umm.. without being mean.. as soon as i opened this i figured out why no one answers.. Because it is Way To Long! :\ and some people might really not know the answer.. AND I GET 2 POINTS! SO I'LL ANSWER! =)

I don't KNOW why NO one is answering your question

audition for Tinkerbell! to help you cry..think of the most horrible and saddest moment in your practice voice watch the movie over and over and study her dialect....ask for the songs that will be used in the play and practice those songs. good luck

I have a tip! read your question, all of the above will happen naturally? Good Luck!

For the songs; check the movie, but be prepared for different arrangements.
Much of acting is motion. What do angry people move like? Move like that for a while and see if you feel angrier. Same for sadness/grief/etc.
Sword fighting: It's a stage play and it oughta be seriously choreographed. If not, work it out with the other cast.

And why not go for the lead?

i cant answer all of them but for starters
1. to practice being angry or mad think of something that really pissed you off
2. to fake cry just think about when your mad
3. to fake yell....just scream your head off like no ones there
4.sword fighting....use anything long and find someone to fight against you
5. to impress the judges be on top of everything try not to look nervous even if you exactly what you practiced and wow them

good luck!

...What? I had the paitence to read about 3 and a half words.

Method acting - look it up - it involves putting yourself directly in the shoes of your character to fell what they feel. If you need further direction check out Finding Neverland with Kate Winslet...she's fantastic. As far as music a search for music on this CD or get it:

Be friendly, prompt and professional when dealing with the judges. Always have a monologue and song not associated with the play you are auditioning for ready to perform if the ask.

Finally, if not Wendy, why not Peter Pan? Julie Andrews played Peter Pan and did a knock out job! A great actor actress should be able to play a diverse number of roles regardless of the character's gender.

Best of luck!

- what songs - Watch a few of the thousands of movies with the same title. Surely, they will copy. Especially the cartoon.

- practicing emotions - There's nothing to practice. You already know what it feels like to be sad and what it is like to be angry. What you can do is practice having these feelings come about on demand. No one will believe you that you're sad if you don't convince yourself that you're sad. Emotions are more than just mental, they're physiological as well. When you feel sad, your whole body becomes emotional. You can't think about becoming sad, you need to feel sad. When you feel sad, you will sound sad and if you can make your whole body feel in anguish it is quite easy to cry.
The same goes for yelling. You need to convince you're body that you are angry. Relax and allow your body to fill with the emotion. Yes, anger is a bad thing that we usually hold back, but remember, you're just acting.

Sword fighting - I have no idea. There's surely you-tube videos on it though.

I have no idea what Wendy's name is, so I can't help you there

As for another role? You pretty much listed every major role except Tinker Bell

Sorry, not for the particular role, but in general, this is really good:

Good Luck!!

You'll be alright

When you audition for a role, you're more likely to get one if you're willing to take on whatever role you are offered, versus the lead male or female role. I realize that you have your heart set on Wendy, but that doesn't mean you couldn't stand out as a pirate if you put your soul into it. Knowing how to pronounce Wendy's full name won't carry much weight, since every young lady will probably know how to do the same.

With the above in mind, I wouldn't concentrate on which songs to memorize, or the voice for a particular character, rather I would develop a wide range of voices and mannerisms, that would be suitable for Wendy and every other conceivable character you might be asked to portray. Part of the fun and challenge of being an actor is portraying someone that you are not, and doing so on the spur of the moment. If I'm the Director at an audition and I ask you to portary a crocodile, I realize that you haven't had much time to think about it, but the willingness to spontaneously take on such a role is an indication of how flexible you are, and your acting skills.

With regard to sword-fighting, the sword-fighting scenes you see in the movies are usually done one of two ways; either they are highly coreographed and done so often the actors can do it in their sleep, or the actors are striking at each other's swords, versus each other.

The latter technique gives more spontaneity, and with a little practice it looks like you have two, or more, very good swordfighters because they are always successful at countering each other's swords. This technique also greatly reduces the odds of an accident.

With regard to yelling and crying, the easiest way to do this is to get into your character. If the script gives you someting to yell or cry about, go with it, and this will come out. The most difficult part of this is the fake tears. To solve the problem many people use the fact that they often cover their face when they first start to cry. One technique that is used to generate "tears" is to wet your tongue, and pass saliva on to your hands as they are moving up over your face. Then as you pull your hands down you pass the saliva from your hands to the bottom of your cheeks. Needless to say, this technique takes practice to make it look like you have shed tears, and I recommend brushing your teeth and gargling with mouthwash every time before you try it.