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Question:What is the universal message that Shakespeare conveys in Macbeth?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the universal message that Shakespeare conveys in Macbeth?

Macbeth is a play about power, ambition and greed. Macbeth's lust for power drives him to make choices that give him success in the short term, but eventually leads to his own ruin.

Ambition is a weapon that can not only kill it's target but the one that wields it as well.

don't be too power-hungry. and don't believe weird visions of the future

Power corrupts, and don't listen to your crazy wife.

Beware of self-fulfilling prophecies.

have you tried cliff notes? 'cause I believe they answer that nicely for you.

It's been awhile. I like that play much.

Ambition can poison and destory.
HUBRIS... I think that's it. The Fall of Man....
Greed, power...