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Question:how do u learn a long script in like 10 min. how do actors and actresses do that. if there is a video to teach u please send it or tell me how. tks=)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: how do u learn a long script in like 10 min. how do actors and actresses do that. if there is a video to teach u please send it or tell me how. tks=)

You cannot learn a long script in that short amount of time. It's impossible. There is no shortcut or easy way out of learning lines. Actors learn their lines through hours and hours of dedicated rote memorization, practice, and rehearsals. A video cannot teach you this (and doesn't exist, as far as I know). Actors get better at memorizing lines through lots of practice (just like riding a bicycle or learning to roller blade).

If you're learning a long script, it helps to get someone to "run lines" with you. Basically, they read the lines you don't have and check to make sure that the lines you say are correct. Sometimes entire casts will have line run-throughs
to ensure that everyone is learning lines properly.

The more you practice, the more you will remember the lines and they will become second nature to you. Don't try to learn all your lines in one go. You'll get confused, overwhelmed, and frustrated. It's much easier to break your lines up into chunks, scene by scene. When you've mastered one scene, move on to the next. Keep running the scenes you've mastered so you don't forget and soon you'll have all your lines memorized. Once you've got your lines memorized, you can work harder on scenes that give you trouble (there always seems to be one or two scenes with lines that are tough to remember, for some reason!).

Even directors do not expect their actors to memorize an entire script in a short time, but they break it up and give deadlines for being "off book" (not using a script). For example, the director might say everyone needs to be "off book" for Act One three weeks after rehearsals start, giving everyone three weeks to memorize their lines for that act. Subsequent acts of the play will have similar deadlines.

It's a learned skill, and takes practice. Basically you learn small chunks at a time.

If you google "how to memorize a script" you'll get many sites with explanations and recommendations.

You cannot memorize "a long script in like 10min." At best, usually, a person can manage up to about 100 words a day. If you memorize more than about 100 words, you will have difficulty remembering them when interaction with other performers is required during rehearsals. If it's a monologue of 100 or less words, you can easily do it within a day.
There are no secret ways to memorize words. Just intense concentration and long hard work.
It's not so hard in movies and television because there are cue cards for performers. Nowadays there are even screens that display the words in large script for the performers to read off. Live theatre is hard work. Marlon Brando started off in the live theatre. After he became a movie star, he turned down offers to act in live theatre because, he said, memorizing lines was too much hard work.

go over it in your mind. basically its practice but you just have to keep on going over it and not let anything distract you.

Break the script up into scenes. Study each scene carefully.
Practice with a friend . Memorizing is a talent you need to get if you want to continue acting.