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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How and where do you become a director/producer?

Question:When you start from nowhere? lol.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When you start from nowhere? lol.

You do it on your own or your work your way up.

Producer is a negociated title.

If you can firm up $50 million in financing you can negociate yourself a Producer or Co-Producer or Executive Producer credit.

If you can bring something valuable that they need you can negociate a production credit.

Or you can go into the Union as a PA ($500 union card $200 a week in pay) and after 8 years (and $10,000 in more union cards) you might be able to negociate Associate Producer or Co-Producer or Line Producer credit.

Or you can get a BA degree go to work for a local TV station doing documentaries and feature spots for 2 years and then companies like Disney will hire you as entry level writer-producer.

Director you have to convince them to let you do something, that usually takes film and credits. MTV videos, local news and documentary work, commercials.

Then you find someone with a limited budget and no director interest.

Some directors come from editing, writing or cinematography ranks.

In any event have your $10,000 ready to buy the union card, can't work a second job without it.

a producer normally puts the whole project together. so a producer will find the script, get investors, hire cast/crew, hire a director, and oversee everything.