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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to become a tv/film extra in london?

Question:What is the best agency/or way to become a tv/ film extra?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What is the best agency/or way to become a tv/ film extra?

I don't know much about extras agencies, but do know that they charge an admin fee for you to join. You could get hold of a copy of 'Contacts' as they have agencies names and contact details in them. How you work out which ones are good or not, I don't know. You could 'interview' them - find out what their extras have been in, what type of work to expect, what your chances are etc.

I am sure you are aware that extras are different from actors. If you are looking to become an actor, you will need to train, if just an extra, you won't.

Good luck.

you could apply for an agency, but the chances of getting picked are pretty slim

You NEED an agent!
So start doing plays and theatres so you can get credits on your resume.
The whole step guide to making it big is on this website here.

Good Luck!

apply to an agency