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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Standing infront of class.?

Question:Thursday i have to read a two minute presuasive speech on the movie "The Crucible" about the salem witch trials and i have to act like im a character from the story.I get really really nervous about speaking infront of class,my face turns red and my voice gets shaky,i hate it so much i let my grades slip just so i dont have to do it,this time i cant do that.I need advice!Ive try almost everything and im running out of ideas.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Thursday i have to read a two minute presuasive speech on the movie "The Crucible" about the salem witch trials and i have to act like im a character from the story.I get really really nervous about speaking infront of class,my face turns red and my voice gets shaky,i hate it so much i let my grades slip just so i dont have to do it,this time i cant do that.I need advice!Ive try almost everything and im running out of ideas.

You are in luck. Think about how the girls in "The Crucible" were acting when they were crying "witch". They were irrational, probably a bit red faced, shaky and out of sorts.

Perhaps chose Mary Warren as the character you act like. In case you don't remember she was the girl who serves as the housemaid to the Proctors after they let Abigail go. She pretty much confesses that the girls were lying about witchcraft and the girls start pretending she is sending out her spirit upon them in the courtroom.

If you use your natural nervous energy you will hit the character of Mary right on the nail. She is portrayed as a bit of a shaky, lonely girl at first. I imagine you will be able to handle this one perfectly!

Also know that the number one fear for people is public speaking. You are far from alone! Take a deep breath before you go up there and know that everyone wants you to succeed. Chances are all of your classmates are just as nervous getting up there as you are. Some people are just better at covering it up. But use it to your advantage for this project and when you sit back down all anyone will think is " wow she is a great actress!.

I wish you so much luck!

i have the same problem.

i found it helpful that the more you know the material your presenting, the more comfortable you will feel.

also be sure to breath normally.

Dont worry, almost everyone feels that way. You can't get let your shyness get the best of you. EVERYONE gets nervous but its really how they hide it that counts. I totally understand how you feel because I used to be in drama and I had to act out a 5 min. scene ALONE not talking. I had to express an emotion. The best thing is to relax and rember that everyone in the class knows you, they are your friends and once you get it over with, its their turn so even if you do mess up, they will pay no attention to you once yours is over because then they are next. just clam down ^_^

Just relax and try to realize that everyone else in the class has to do it too and they got nervous too. I used to get really nervous alot but I became used to speaking infront of crowds.
My dream is to someday star on my own tv show.

o man!! i did something similar to this last week on thesame exact book too. and I get stage fright like you do. My school psychologist said to breathe in deep from the bottom of your stomach and breathe out slowly to calm nerves, but you cant get over stage frieght in a week. The best cure is to keep doing presentations in front of people. I have been doing this for a year now and my stage fright has greatly reduced even though my heart still pounds faster and faster everytime i have to go on the stage. You can ask to your proffesor or teacher about doing it after class for him/her alone if that makes you feel better. I found out that the quicker I get my presentation done with, the less stage fright I get. Find some ways that help you reduce your fright and please never let your grade slip again. You'll regret it later

~good luck~

Well first of all practice the material in front of some of your family members or good friends. As for actually giving the speech, most people who have to get up in front of a group get nervous. Truth is if you know the material well, even if you are nervous most of the people watching you wont notice that you are nervous

okay first of all go up to the front with confidence no matter what is going though your head avoid making eye contact with anyone that will make u laugh or anyone that intimmadates u know what you going to say well to avoid foretting your speech and while u are talking slowly gaze at everyones forehead to avoid making eye contact your teacher will most likely think you were and give u bonus marks for connecting with your audience and if ur voice gets shaky dont be afraid to stop take a deep breath and keep on going after all u are human and ur teacher should understand

HI Denise.

I have been an actor and public speaker for many years so I know how it feels to get in front of an audience.The best thing to remember is that the audience WANTS you to succeed! They are rooting for you.

Do you go to movies hoping you won't like them? of course not, you go because you want ot be entertained and informed. So that makes your job easy, doesn't it? If you can enjoy what you're doing, so will they!

The problem is not THEM judging YOU, it's YOU judging yourself. They will not notice any "mistakes" unless you "advertise" them. it's your performance so anything you do is exactly right, the audience won't know it's "wrong" unless you tell them by your actions or reactions.

Some practical tips on getting over your fear:

1. Be prepared. Rehease and practice a lot! You're a lot more confident of you know your material and what you;re going to say,then all you have to do is just "do it"!

The night before a performance or presentation, I go over my lines or speech a few times just before I go to bed.
As you sleep your brain processes all that material and you'll find you know it perfectly in the morning.

2. When perfoming,don't think of the audience as a crowd of strangers, think of each one of them as your best friend, and have a "conversation" with them. Imagine there's just one person out there, a friend that is interested and cares about what you say,and is willing to take the timeto hear you.

When your with your best friend you have no problem speaking to them and sharing you feelings and emotions. See the audience as your best friend and understand they are anxious and eager to hear what you have to say.

Once again. They're not "judging" you, they WANT YOU to succeed, so all you have to do is convince yourself of that and you WILL be a success.

3. Rehearse your piece in front of a trusted friend or a teacher that you know and respect,. The only obstacle you have is yourself -- getting over your fear by practice and you'll get the confidence you'll need..

Remember: You're in control, and they are following your lead. They want you to succeed and will see you as a success. The only person who is being critical of you is you yourself.