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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can i get famous?

Question:well i really really want to get famous! HELLLLLP and yes i am good at acting!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well i really really want to get famous! HELLLLLP and yes i am good at acting!

im sorry but this is a ridiculous question.
you shouldnt wanted to act to get 'famous'.
you should do it because you love acting.

but aside that..
get a agent and work hard.
or a manager.
work hard and start out small so you get more experiance.

edit:i live in Texas and it doesnt stop me.
get a agent.
see if AMTC is doing auditions in your area.
i did amtc last summer andts amazing.
do school productions.
agents are always looking for people with experiance.

Um, okay...
so, first, you gotta keep on auditioning
and where do you live?
that has a major impact on your future ESPECIALLY in that business.

You WILL get rejected constantly
but that's all I can tell you

audition, audition, audition, audition!

if all you want is to be famous, then you're wasting your time.

To get famous you need to work hard. Get an Agent, Go to Auditions, Take classes, Sign up for local theatre. You need to want it in your heart. You will need your parents to approve. Get proffessional Pictures done, and most of all type up a really good resume.

If you want to be a famous actor, it will take work work work. And that means lots of years and lots of failures.

Alot of people want to just be discovered and to be famous, and a veery small percentage of them do.

Go to an audition for a major motion picture, you might get lucky.

Probably not.

What do you want to do? Act or be famous?

Want to be famous for acting? Then start from the bottom.

But it helps if you focus on doing something you love and not being famous.

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