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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> High alto pop/broadway songs?

Question:almost Soprano high alto broadway/pop songs
Question Details: Ok well in my choir class we are going to have a concert coming up. I really want to audition to perform a song but I dont know what to choose. We are supposed to sing either broadway or pop songs. It is for school so the songs cant cuss or talk about "inapropiate" things. Can u make sure that the difficulty level is not too high and that they are fun songs to sing. Please make a list of broadway songs that include the name of the musical and a list of todays pop songs including the name of the singer. thanks so much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: almost Soprano high alto broadway/pop songs
Question Details: Ok well in my choir class we are going to have a concert coming up. I really want to audition to perform a song but I dont know what to choose. We are supposed to sing either broadway or pop songs. It is for school so the songs cant cuss or talk about "inapropiate" things. Can u make sure that the difficulty level is not too high and that they are fun songs to sing. Please make a list of broadway songs that include the name of the musical and a list of todays pop songs including the name of the singer. thanks so much.

You should be able to find a couple songs from A Chorus Line within your range (like "What I Did For Love"). Aida would also be a good source, as well as "I'm Not That Girl" from Wicked. I would always recommend auditioning with a song from a musical, but in terms of non-Broadway songs, a friend recommended checking out some select Shakira (I don't know what specific songs).