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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I just had an Interview with John Roberts Powers and got accepted. But now I hea

Question:I am wondering how I can become an actress on soap opera's! I really want to do that!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am wondering how I can become an actress on soap opera's! I really want to do that!

They are not an agency and they do not have the industry connections to get you gigs, they are an acting school, you will be paying an unnecessarily high sum for acting classes.

However they will give you enough material to have a demo reel, probably teach you to be at ease on camera, which are good things. You will need those anyway.

Just know it is really expensive and it is not an agency and they will not find gigs for you.

If you want to audition for soaps you will deifinitely need a demo reel, you can also build this yourself by getting experience.

Contact your local film board find out who the casting directors are in the area, send them your headshots resumes demo reels etc, casting directors are in the business of hiring actors, casting directors are the ones who will get you jobs.

not with Powers. they accept everyone dear and then sell them expensive classes RIP OFF

As far as I know, what you heard it correct! John Robert Powers accepts everybody because they want the money, and it costs way too much to take classes and find representation. There is a much cheaper way. Try finding local agents in your city, and try to avoid big agencies when you're just starting it. It saves you money and time. Regular agents should not cost any money until you get paid from a job. They recieve a percentage of that, but it shouldn't cost thousands of dollars to jump start your career.