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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Audition song help please?

Question:I'm trying out for the part of Leisl, and I was wondering if you have a song that is similer to "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" in either meaning or range or style, or a mix of all three. Also any tips that seasond professonals have would be gratfully recieved. If you want to be so kind as to just say good luck, break a leg, that's very welcome too :)
Thank you all, have a lovely day!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm trying out for the part of Leisl, and I was wondering if you have a song that is similer to "Sixteen Going on Seventeen" in either meaning or range or style, or a mix of all three. Also any tips that seasond professonals have would be gratfully recieved. If you want to be so kind as to just say good luck, break a leg, that's very welcome too :)
Thank you all, have a lovely day!

As I auditioned for singing parts a lot in both high school and college, I found it helpful to look to classics for inspiration and song choices. Examples could be the movies - The Sound of Music, Hairspray, Oklahoma, or even Rent. There is something about the classic movies/musicals I find helpful to me. I know it is hard sometimes to find a meaningful song and one that suits you but first try to define your style and find a song that fits you and your voice. Are you comfortable singing operatic songs, more laid back songs, or maybe even Italian or Latin (that was me), I would say Sixteen Going on Seventeen is a good choice for an audition piece. I wish you luck in your endeavor and don't give up! :)

stick with sixteen going on seventeen, they will know what part you are wanting and if you can handle the song. do the song how it is but sing the male part an octave hirer. break a leg!

good luck, and have fun~ :D