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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How many headshots should I expect to go through in my first year in the acting

Question:Just wondering so I can plan my operating budget accordingly.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Just wondering so I can plan my operating budget accordingly.

Usually the initial order is for 500 to 1,000. (You'll be surprised how fast you go through them!)
It isn't that expensive to order more, but always keep the photograph and information current.


Unless you are one of the lucky few who hit it big early, in which case you'll have so much money that your budget will be meaningless.

Odd that you should ask, though. Most qualified and knowledgeable new actors understand what a head shot is good for and know that one decent one will serve. It makes me worry that you don't really know the ins and outs of the profession, and that you'll wind up paying big money up front to one of those unscrupulous agents who will send you out for multiple photo shoots (all very costly, using the photographer that their agency "requires" who likely is paying them for each new customer they send) and who in the end will find no work for you and will say it's your fault. And to some extent, it will be.

There's no easy answer that fits on Yahoo! if that's your condition, all I can say is, ***educate yourself*** about the pitfalls. Show business is not pretty!

Heey. This only needs a simple answer!
You should only need 1!
Unless you go through some drastic image changes in that year then you should update it.
You should only change your headshot when your image changes.

Agents hate when you walk into their audition and you look nothing like their headshot.

well unless you change you
if you get you hair cut short or it grows onger or something get a new one.
if you get lucky you will make numerous.

Depends on where you live. If you live in NY or LA where there are tons of agencies and you will need to do a big mass mailing, I would go ahead and get the 300 package from Otherwise just go with 100 initially and see how it does you.
Budget wise, if it's your first order with reproductions and they do retouching, you can expect to pay around $165 or so for 100 (I see they've raised their prices!), and then for reorders, around $115. They also have packages where you can get postcards and business cards as well.