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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Has anyone seen, "The Woman In Black" in the theatre in London?

Question:Is it any good, I loved the book and the film!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it any good, I loved the book and the film!

Not sure but the film scared the s**t out of me when I was a kid, when she flies in through the window. The stage shows got a good website

i did i was 10/11 i had nightmares 4 weeks i saw it in the theatre near covent garden. i sat with my mum and we were scared s**tless! it was godd but was soooooooooooooooooo scary i want to see it again! i like scaring my self! LOL

yes! It's fantastic do go and see it! I've seen it loads of times, and every time I jump out of my seat! The book is great too, I based my essay for my a'level English lit on it and it was such a joy to write about!

Have fun!

eeek, that link that guy posted gave me goose pimples!

yes. very good and eerie. I believe it had a cast of about three. very cleverly done!!

yes it is s*** scary! i jumped so many times when i went to see it. 1 of the best things ive ever seen tho lol

Yes...but suggest you don't read any further answers because someone might insert a spoiler...!

haven't seen it for years but it's bloody good and the theatre is small and spooky too.
don't pay full price for the tickets though as it's usually at the tkts booth in leicester sq

YES it is amazing, seriously, see it. It is terrifying live, the effects are so simple but they scare they absolute shizzzz out of you!

SEE IT!!!!

I saw the play when it was in Cardiff a few years ago. I hadn't read the book and nor had I seen the film. I enjoyed it. It is interesting how the use of only two characters (not including the said woman of the title) can hold you enthralled and on the edge of your seat for around two hours.