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Question:How can i become a famous actor?
Like agents etc.?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can i become a famous actor?
Like agents etc.?


There are many different routes you can take to reach your goal.

If you are just starting out, check out your community theaters and local colleges. Many of them will have casting calls and you can get your start in acting there. Agents will want to see a decent amount of experience before they will work with you.

If you feel REALLY innovative - get some people together and write some short plays and film them. Then you can upload them to YouTube, or MySpace, or get your own domain name and upload them there. Then spread the word - there are quite a few people that are successful and making money using this method.

Above all, don't get discouraged if you don't get the results you want at first. There is a lot of competition to get roles, even in unpaid spots. Most famous people have had to earn their living at a "regular" day job and were rejected a lot before they made it big.

Go to acting classes or an acting school.
Sometimes they help you with Agents, Auditions ect.

be positive and take everything tht connects with the bussiness.......Move to La or New york eventualy

all i can say is practice and try really hard. if that is what you go to college for, you may have some luck.