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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Where can I get a good Sweeney Todd shirt?

Question:I was hoping for something with lyrics from the show, like 'Kiss Me' or 'At Last! My Right Arm Is Complete Again!'
Please - no movie shirts, unless they have lyrics.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was hoping for something with lyrics from the show, like 'Kiss Me' or 'At Last! My Right Arm Is Complete Again!'
Please - no movie shirts, unless they have lyrics.

i see that you dont want something from the movie but these shirts say "I have an appointment with Sweeney" and they're pretty cool. i like em...

This {if you like the revival! ?} You can add whatever you want to the back of it. Or just go to and make your own! You can pick the pic, everything!

this is kinda cheap but you could go buy iron-on paper and go on the computerr and put the lyrics and or a picture then print it out and iron it on you could also try the broadway website:

i would have to agree with the other answers, you can Make one. A good place to check though would be hot topic. The movie just came out and is soon to get many fans. They all ready have some Sweeney Todd t-sirts there. Just keep checking. :]