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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do you go on when you get let down on an audition?

Question:How do you still believe you can do it and you are a great actor even if you have bean said you arnt?

Just wondering

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do you still believe you can do it and you are a great actor even if you have bean said you arnt?

Just wondering

Rejection is a large part of the entertainment industry. What you have to remember is that many times, you may have the skills, but not the looks. Directors are many times looking for a certain body type, weight, voice tone etc. If you don't have those exact things they are looking for, then they will find someone who does. The good thing about that is that there is a director out there somewhere, someday that is looking for your body type, voice tone, weight etc.
Keep with it. Also remember that no matter how good you are, there is always, always room for improvement. Also, don't take everything everyone says to heart. Take criticism as impersonal and constructive. Take them as things that can be worked on.
As an actor, I always try to look at what is said to me in a positive light, and ways to improve.
I hope this helps.

Well i never went to an casting call audition..
well just leave with pride still with you. just walk out smiling
and thank them.
and just remember that thats not the end of the world.]
dreams can come true but not so easy..
everybody is either a good actor or a singer or a dancer or whatever there is nothing you CANT do!
xoxo BJ

Just view it as a part that wasn't a good fit for you. It doesn't mean that you are not a good actor. It just means that they are looking for something a little different.

Think of it this way, there are sooooo many people that audition for parts and at the end, they only pick a select few. There isn't a single person that has not been let down from an audition - including world famous actors.

Continue auditioning. In the process, you will improve upon your craft and land a gig for sure.

Good luck!

Do you think Tom Hanks, Tom Cruise, Brad Pitt, were told their whole lives that they were the best? Of course not!! They were probably told they sucked tons of times!!! But they didn't give up, and neither should you!!! They all believed in their craft. So, this is what you must do; BELIEVE!!!!

The 1st thing to remember is that rejection goes with the territory.It happens all the time and it happens to the best of us.Sure it doesn't feel good and sure it takes a minute to get over it,because that's what you ave to do.Don't take it personally(even if it is) and pick up your ego,dust t off and go on to the next audition an so on and so on.Almost no ne makes it on the 1st try anyway except if you're VERY lucky which I was once.I was told by my ballet master that I didn't have the "right look"to be accepted into the corps de ballet,even though I was one of her best students.Was I crushed?You bet,for all of ten minutes.Then,I got mad.And marched straight down to Shubert Alley where they were holding auditions.It was a "cattle call"meaning anyone,whether they had any talent or not,could audition.I managed to make it all the way to the end...and got the job,my first Broadway musical.I was 18.
Hope that helps and Good luck!

Every actor has a bad audition sometimes. Or even a great audition where they still didn't get the part. The important thing is to keep going out there, being seen, and practicing your craft. If you keep audtioning, odds are you will land something eventually.

Also, it's good to keep in mind your "type" (while not being limited by it). For instance, if you are a sixteen year old girl auditioning for the role of a Queen, you might want to rethink the kinds of parts that suit you best right now.

Danny DeVito was rejected 102 times before he finally got a big break. and like everyone else said rejection is a BIG part of this business. You just have to hang in there and be DETERMINED.