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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> West side story monologues?

Question:for drama i have to do a monologue from the play west side story. i have one in mind but im not sure of it! im really stumped! if you have any ideas for a good monologue PLEASE share them! :) thanx!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: for drama i have to do a monologue from the play west side story. i have one in mind but im not sure of it! im really stumped! if you have any ideas for a good monologue PLEASE share them! :) thanx!

I used this (rather short) monologue of Maria's for an audition a while back; you may want to be careful not to be over dramatic with it, though.

Killing Each Other with Hate
written by Ernest Lehman, Jerome Robbins, & Arthur Laurents

(Maria is kneeling over Tony's murdered body)
Maria: (to both gangs) Stay back!!
(She stands, and puts her hand out to Chino, motioning for the gun. Dazed, he gives it to her)
Maria: How do you fire this gun Chino? By pulling this little trigger!? How many bullets are left Chino? Enough for YOU? Or YOU? All of you!! You ALL killed him! And my brother! And Riff! Not with bullets and knives! With HATE! Well, I can kill now too, because now I have hate!!! How many can I kill Chino? How many -- and still have one bullet left for me? Don't touch him!! (she kneels down next to Tony's body) Te adoro Anton.

Hope it helps. :)
(Oh, and Twilight = <3)