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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I'm 12 and i want to go into theatre and acting?

Question:ok so i'm 12 and like 5 of my younger cousins do acting and modeling so whenever we have like family reunions and stuff, all the parents always talkabout acting schools and modeling schools...and sometimes i just sit there and listen. the thing is...i REALLY want to go into acting!!!! i mean, i'm a good actress and i've proved it in tons of plays. but my mom thinks its too expensive and my dad wants me to go on and be a scientist. i don't want to be a scientist!! how can i tell my parents that i REALLY want to be an actress?? i mean, i don't want to be something that i dont want to be! can you tell me how to like, give them hints? well, they already kind of know that i want to be an actress, but they're not supporting me. i've wanted to be an actress for a really long do i do something about it?!?!?!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: ok so i'm 12 and like 5 of my younger cousins do acting and modeling so whenever we have like family reunions and stuff, all the parents always talkabout acting schools and modeling schools...and sometimes i just sit there and listen. the thing is...i REALLY want to go into acting!!!! i mean, i'm a good actress and i've proved it in tons of plays. but my mom thinks its too expensive and my dad wants me to go on and be a scientist. i don't want to be a scientist!! how can i tell my parents that i REALLY want to be an actress?? i mean, i don't want to be something that i dont want to be! can you tell me how to like, give them hints? well, they already kind of know that i want to be an actress, but they're not supporting me. i've wanted to be an actress for a really long do i do something about it?!?!?!?


ok, dude with teh first answer, WAY TO LIFT HER SPIRITS!!! anyway, ive been there, im 13 and looking, money is tight in my family. The best thing you can do is to GO IT ALONE, take the drama class at your school, see if there are any workshops at the local community center, and explore sites that list auditions in your area, dont go strait for movies, try a play at a local theatre, you WILL be seen there if you get a good part, and it will be good practice, its just as good to be in a broadway play as it is to be in a movie, so take some singing and dancing classes too if you can. About your parents, really, there isnt much you can do except sit them don and say, "this is what i want to do, this is what i will do, dont tell me its a phase, and heres the research ive done, and heres the audition im trying" (dont go to them untill you find an audition locally)

sorry you just cannot do it without your parents shoving you forward by getting you experience, training and an agent. that's how it's done, kid

Well Theatre Doc is right as always.
You're going to need your parents behind you on this 100%
So keep telling them!
try different tactics!
Tell them this is something you wanted to try for a long time!

Good Luck hun!

First off, don't listen to those first two they have no idea what they're talking about.

Your parents are an invaluable source of support, BUT by all means not a necessary factor in becoming an actor.

What really makes the differences is YOU. If you want it badly enough, long for it, love it, and are prepared to give yourself entirely over to it, then you have a fighting chance!

I'm Asian. Not to be stereotypical, but traditional Asian families are not very enthusiastic about 'the arts'. Especially when their children want to take it up as a profession instead of a hobby.

I went into Computer Science at the will of my parents. I hate it and realized that I did not want to live an unfilled life. I left and got accepted to one of the top theatre schools and I just graduated in December. I'm currently in rehearsals on my first professional show, and it took me a whole 2 minutes to realize I made the right choice. This is what I want to do. This is what I was born to do.

You have to ask yourself, you can either work to live, or live to work.

You're only 12 so you have lots of time to figure it out. My best advice would be to look for drama clubs, and high schools in your area that have reputable theatre acting training. If the schools in your area are not too great, then look into out of school programs. Many theatre companies will host classes and workshops for young and upcoming actors.

Eventually you'll after you graduate from HS you'll want to take a year off to gain some life experience. The top acting schools in the world will usually not take people unless they're over the age of 19 and 20 for a very good reason. Take that year to travel and do some serious growing up because the mentality needed to survive a serious acting program is much different than high school. The stress and pressure is incredible. From there you're on your own. The whole agent thing will come later.

Please be prepared to live a very different life as actors tend to be romanticized by celebrities.

See, it's hard if your parents are behind you one hundred percent. But it is possible. show your parents you willing to work for it. Start looking into things, and trying to figure things out. Try and find an arts highschool near you and see what you need to get in. Nothing get you on your way more than a good dramma program in highschool! See how much it would cost to get in, and what kind of marks you need. Talk to your parents about earning atleast part of the money for tuition and show them your serious about this. It took about this much work to convince my parents it was something worth while, and my dad is the dictionary deffinition of stuborn. Just really try, be more than an actor when your doing plays, be one all the time. Watch movies and take hints, look into things, work things out.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. And don't be in theater for the fame, be in it for the very love of your art. You will go far.