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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I really want to be an actress but i don't really know how to start. This re

Question:I live in a small city in Saskatchewan so there is not really anything to audition for here..i don't think.. and i don't know how to get more experience to get an agent. I'm also 13 and don't have that much money to travel. This means so much to me, i'm not some snobby rich girl who gets anything she wants (no offence) please help!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I live in a small city in Saskatchewan so there is not really anything to audition for here..i don't think.. and i don't know how to get more experience to get an agent. I'm also 13 and don't have that much money to travel. This means so much to me, i'm not some snobby rich girl who gets anything she wants (no offence) please help!

If you have no experience, then you need to get some. Do you have any friends that are interested in acting? If you do, you may want to start by putting together a script reading group. This is a group of friends that get together and read plays in their homes. As you become more familiar with the lines you will not need a script and then you go on to the next one (and so on). Does your school offer a choir? Does your church or synagogue? Singing will help you broaden you vocal tones, and most teachers wouldn't mind helping you one on one either before or after school. Do you workout? Exercise will help your endurance, and that will allow you to be able to accept more roles as they come. Do you have a community theater group? If you do, try out. If you don't get selected ask what you can do to improve yourself for the next time and then work to fix the fault (just remember that some directors can be a little weird sometimes). Ask the director if you could be an understudy for someone (this will allow you to attend rehearsals and will help you to how everything is put together). Remember that most of today's actors can do a little bit of everything (so you have to be able to do what they do). There is online voice coaching software you (and maybe some of your friends) can purchase that will also help you. If the High School has a drama club, ask them if you can sit in on rehearsals (ask the director/teacher for their help, it will make them feel important and they will want to try to help you). Start giving speeches in front of other people or even your school, and if your school has a debate club, join it. The more you learn to speak in front of people the easier it will be. After that it's on to college, and you should feel a lot better prepared to make decisions about your acting career. Brake a leg (that means good luck in the acting world).

I know this doesn't answer your question but I thought I'd throw it out there anyways. There is a acting, writing, producing, and photography school down in Texas called Center for Creative Media. It's not really a colledge but an internship. You work there and gain on hands experience in one of the four tracks mentioned above for 2 whole years. You travel to Hollywood twice, NY once, and to LA once to meet talent seekers and such. Your teachers arn't just schooled in the art but have actually done what they are teaching you. By the time you leave you have a large resume of experience and a know how. Also the school is a Christian school that is part of Teen Mania Ministries. So you get spiritual training as well and you arn't required to violate your self or lower your standards and morals to progress. It is possible to break into Hollywood with out having sex on camera. The school costs 32,000 for everything youll need over the 2 years, thats 1,500 a month(cheap). So if you start now in collecting money you could most definitely make it. If you want more information you can go to their web site at