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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How can I learn a NY accent?

Question:I'm in Anything Goes, and I've gotta have a New York accent. I try...but it always comes out southern. I'm crap with accents. Help please?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm in Anything Goes, and I've gotta have a New York accent. I try...but it always comes out southern. I'm crap with accents. Help please?

I was in the Wizard of Oz and i needed a Southern accent and it came out British....i finally got it with practice though.

That's all i can say, PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE.
talk to your friends in an (attempted) NY accent, do everything with an accent. Soon you'll be a natural. Watch movies with NY accents!

woah...southern and ny are VERY diferent. look at some videos that take place in new york or go to new york and look at the way people talk.

There are actual CDs and movies made specifically for performers who need to learn different accents. I'm sure you can locate these online. Otherwise, consult any acting professionals you know, any people from NY, etc.

vocal coach

Man my friend wold know he does tons of voice inpretions and its holarious. To bad he doesnt ave a Yahoo :(

Do you know any one from New York ?
Hang out with him/her for a week or two until you gets it down path.