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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Two auestions on- Projection and Clarity. Please answer im desperate--its for to

Question:Tomorrow i have to act as if i am a depressed youth and i need advice on projection and clarity.
Because im depressed i want to mumble but if i do, no-one will hear me.

Also how do you NOT SPEAK THROUGH NOSE!! i noticed i do that abit and its SOO ANNOYING!

And my voice sounds WEAK when the sound comes out! HeLP ON THIS!!!


10 pts to detail and many tips will be corwed winner (hopefully) before 2morro!


Thanks :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Tomorrow i have to act as if i am a depressed youth and i need advice on projection and clarity.
Because im depressed i want to mumble but if i do, no-one will hear me.

Also how do you NOT SPEAK THROUGH NOSE!! i noticed i do that abit and its SOO ANNOYING!

And my voice sounds WEAK when the sound comes out! HeLP ON THIS!!!


10 pts to detail and many tips will be corwed winner (hopefully) before 2morro!


Thanks :)

As far as projection goes, do NOT shout. That is not projecting and it will tear up your throat.
The best way I can explain it is speak from your diaphram (the triangle shaped area just under where your ribs meet). When you breathe in, your stomach should expand and your shoulders should not move. Keep them stationary. If they are moving up and down when you breathe, you are doing it wrong. Keep your diaphram firm, and you will definately notice a difference in your volume. It is hard to describe, but I hope this gives you some idea of what to do. Whatever you do though, don't give up your clarity in favor of the emotion. If they can't understand what you are saying, then it does no good.

As for depression. Instead of mumbling (which you are right, they won't understand you) use your body language. Take your self to a time when you were feeling depressed and feel those feelings again. If you are truly experiencing them, it will come accross in your body language and in your tone of voice. For example, you arn't going to be jumping around or flinging your arms about or even moving very much if you are depressed. You would be more listless and your movements would be more half hearted. You won't be shouting or speaking especially quickly either. It would be more of a "yeah...whatever" attitude. I hope this helps.
And break a leg!

omg. i was looking for the same thing! i sometimes speak thru my nose too and i hate it! on projection hmmmmm....i'm not sure how to explain it, you have to kinda speak w/ your throat not your mouth to make your self loud but mumbling. wow i'm confused. i know what to do, just its hard to explain....sorry

Projection is entirely breathing. You have to breathe from your diaphragm (which is deep in your stomach area). If you have any choral training, you have an advantage!

Also, it helps to take your normal speaking voice and take the pitch down one or two steps, essentially making it a little deeper than you're used to. This opens your throat and helps the sound escape. This will also help you get rid of your nasal problem.

All vocal problems in theatre rest heavily on projection, so once you get the hang of it, the rest will come naturally!