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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How do I find my own unique speaking voice 2?

Question:This is just an add on from the last one, so if you've answered already great, actually I think those answers are extremely useful. I'm just trying to get more of a variety, also I don't think I was quite clear enough, I'm talking for ex. Cedric the entertainer a completly unique voice, Dave Chappelle unique, Jim Carey, Denzel Washington, Sylvester Stallone, Seth Rogen, Martin Lawrence, you know **** like that, also I was wondering if they took some kind of class to for it, cause there is a difference, slight, but difference. Sorry if I pissed anybody off for posting the same question twice, I just got to know man, I'm curious about this, I'm trying to be an actor here, Thanx, Peace!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is just an add on from the last one, so if you've answered already great, actually I think those answers are extremely useful. I'm just trying to get more of a variety, also I don't think I was quite clear enough, I'm talking for ex. Cedric the entertainer a completly unique voice, Dave Chappelle unique, Jim Carey, Denzel Washington, Sylvester Stallone, Seth Rogen, Martin Lawrence, you know **** like that, also I was wondering if they took some kind of class to for it, cause there is a difference, slight, but difference. Sorry if I pissed anybody off for posting the same question twice, I just got to know man, I'm curious about this, I'm trying to be an actor here, Thanx, Peace!!!

The people you've listed are largely know for their improvisation skills. There are many theaters that offer improv classes. They're expensive and time consuming, but worth it for the street cred. I studied at the Acme Comedy Theatre in Los Angeles and although I never made it to the mainstage company, third year classes also learn sketch writing, which is another great resume credit.

Many of my friends read books aloud and record themselves, listen to it and decide what they like and dislike. Look into taking voice over classes in a local recording studio. I've only taken one single voice over class, with a woman named M.J. Lallo in Burbank, CA. I didn't do so well there, but it involved lots and lots of time reading copy for different commercials (especially trying to read legal disclaimers you hear spoken really fast at the ends of some commercials) and knowing how to read all of your material within a certain amount of time, timing your words and expressions and how hooking the ends of certain words will win you a part over someone else just because it's that much more pleasing. Of course, you may just be announcing the local grocery store specials on roast beef on the radio, but everyone has to start somewhere. Acting is not an easy profession to make a living in. Of all the ones I've known, and I worked in this industry for over 10 years, most have other 9-5 jobs (usually teaching) and do their acting in theaters at night.

However you approach it, good luck, and make sure that whatever you do, you love doing it. When it stops being a labor of love, it's time to stop!

Haha no, I doubt they have taken any VOICE classes besides anything that had to do with acting. Most of the people you just named are comedians. A lot of people can't be funny just talking in monotone!!

Comedians just have those different voices to them to Emphasize their comedic acts.

Sylvester Stallone...yeah i guess that guy was just born with that voice.


emphasize your actions that'll help change your voice style
most times.

good luck to you!

Take a voice class or if you can't, look into books that explore vocal exercises to improve your range and resonance.

Before an audition or performance, develop a routine of vocal exercises to warm up and improve flexibility. Ever notice after you go to a sporting event, party or anyplace you've been speaking loudly and often that your voice sounds deeper and more commanding? You can simulate this through warmups.

Keep in mind that often what you need is age. Most men don't really settle into a commanding voice until they get a bit older.