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Question:Why is it appropriate that the individual who kills Macbeth is Macduff?
By whom and to whom is the following statement made? What is the occasion? "Hail, King! for so thou art."

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Why is it appropriate that the individual who kills Macbeth is Macduff?
By whom and to whom is the following statement made? What is the occasion? "Hail, King! for so thou art."

It is appropriate because Macduff was the first person to become suspicious of Macbeth after he killed the guards. Macbeth knew this and became afraid of Macduff because Macduff knew that Macbeth was responsible for the deaths of Duncan, Banquo, and the guards.

The statement is made by Macduff to Malcolm, Duncan's son. The occasion is that Malcolm is made the new king of Scotland after Macbeth's death.

i think its got something to do with revenge...i read this book a while ago for school, not to sure though

Macduff kills macbeth because he was born from a c-section. (look @ the witches' prophecy)

I think 'hail king, for so thou art' is one of the witches, before they make the prophecy