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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Should i give up acting?

Question:I've only gotten 4 lead roles and they were for plays that had a small age range or a school production. When i did one a lady came up to me and asked if i auditioned for the current production. i said yes but i didnt get a role, so she gave me a chorus role. I HATE THE CHORUS! i just recently did an audition and i thought i did pretty well but i only got a chorus role. Should i find a new "calling?"

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've only gotten 4 lead roles and they were for plays that had a small age range or a school production. When i did one a lady came up to me and asked if i auditioned for the current production. i said yes but i didnt get a role, so she gave me a chorus role. I HATE THE CHORUS! i just recently did an audition and i thought i did pretty well but i only got a chorus role. Should i find a new "calling?"

at first you must learn from everything that you are doing. even if it's a role that you don't like it. that's the first step. try to find something interesting and challenging in this "ugly role" then you will start to grow as a professional actor. in this profession you come often to many crossroads and if you say : "ok, now, i give up, i can' t do a Big role, nobody likes me and so i'm not good enough so i quit" - that means that you are not doing this because it's your passion, you do it just because you want to be considered. and this attitude it seems to me very wrong from the very beginning, because if you love to act, you must find something that you enjoy in every role. even if it's chorus. if you hate this, that means that you already have preferences and that you begin to chose, not to learn. you have many many possibilities with what you are doing, it's only a question of Joy and Curiosity to find out much more things about you. things that are hidden from you, in this roles. they are benefic. use Positive Thinking. it really works. you have other things to do, don't waste your time with this kind of thoughts, like "I hate this, i hate that, i want this, i want that" it's useless. ciao. good luck

Never give up. It takes a lot of perseverance to become an actor. In the meantime, learn other skills so you can support yourself.

Stick with it if you love acting. Just because you got a chorus role shouldn't be the reason to stop. Even famous actors/actresses get turned down for roles they thought was perfect for them. Sometimes, the directors, writers, etc. might think you did well in the audition but not a good fit for the play/movie/commercial. Don't forget some stars got their start as extras.

If you wold rather have the time off than be in the chorus then I doubt that you have any strong calling to act in the first place and if that is the case, go find something you really love doing at any and every level because the truth is that however good we are at things, most of us will spend most of our time in the chorus.
We all, with a few exceptions, love the idea of performing in some way or other but the reality is ..usually..very different to what we hoped for and even expected and if it also something we find little or no pleasure in then why waste the time and effort?There is a big world out there and a lot of things to be done in it, why settle for second best?

Look, you're not always going to be a lead role. Even great actors don't always get the roles they audition for. If you don't fit the part, you're just not going to get it. You're going to have to be involved with the unglamorous parts of theatre eventually, and if you can't deal with that, then get out of it, because it just sounds like you're only interested in fame and don't have a true passion for acting.

the chorus is very important, so its okay to get a chorus role. alot of times during auditions they look for people that fit the part, that they think will do very well to play that role. DONT GIVE UP! keep trying and eventually you will find another part that is right for you.

ummmm....i have never starred in a show and i kept going. Almost all my shows that i do i get cast as chorus-it's no big deal. Even after being on broadway, a community theatre gave me the part of chorus

Hope that helps!
