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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> While on the stage, tips....Please answer this, performers?

Question:While on stage what advice can you give someone when they are on stage for example --

-stage presense
-remembering lines
-projection !!!
-Getting over stage fright

PLEASE!! answer THESE!!

(10pts to details, examples and many PRACTICAL IDEAS!!!)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: While on stage what advice can you give someone when they are on stage for example --

-stage presense
-remembering lines
-projection !!!
-Getting over stage fright

PLEASE!! answer THESE!!

(10pts to details, examples and many PRACTICAL IDEAS!!!)


as for stage presence its hard cause it all depends on ur character
simple thing to do is just BE ur character
if they r sad U are sad
happy U r happy

Big(but not dramtic) movements so people everywhere can see u (unles ur not ment to be seen)

and never stand in front of some1 else(blockin the audience from seeing them) (unles tld to) this is called maskin and in considered rude

run the lines in ur head ALWAYS even wen ur eating tea or washing up

stage fright is nothing just remember no1 will hate u for messing up a line the only person tht will is u and ull get over it soon enough and then the nest time ur on stage ul remember where u messed up and fix it

the most important thing about projection is ur air way make sure u have deep (but silent) breathing and always be clear and have good dictions (saying letter such as G in readinG not readin etc)

but again it all depends on ur character maybe ur character calls to be soft and mumble

just get in thier head let them in urs do what u would do wen in their place but bigger (of course this dose not mean u can make a rich character all gangster street) but just remember use what u see in other and urself as ur bases for a charcter if ur meant to b a leader maybe u have a friend in real life who is a leader take some tips of her/him and use tht combined with say ur mum or dad and how they tlk wen they want something done

and just rehearse

hope tht helps even just a lil

when you're acting just pretend your actually having a conversation with someone!! pay attention to what you're doing and not to the audience!! also there's an exercise where you have a partner and you both come up with a line after each time you say your line walk back a step. Soon you'll be far away from each other and instead of yelling try to use a loud voice. and when you feel you're too far away ask your partner if they could hear you!! Have someone help you with your lines!! Memorize sections at a time and then add them all together!! You'll realize that it's easier than it looks!! When your onstage think about your character...what would he or she do. Don't think of the play as something made up think of it as it's actually happening in real life!! It makes it wayyy more believable!! and remember to HAVE FUN!! if you forget a line try not to improvise!! The person with the next line will help you and If they know your line they'll say it!! GOOD LUCK!!

Rehearsal is where you prepare for performance. Trust your director and fellow cast members and have fun acting.

I think that you should think who your character is and how they act. Go over it a couple minutes and then just pretend you are in the actual situation!