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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Why do you think Romeo and Juliet is still shakespeares's best loved and per

Question:this is a question from an english assignment on romeo and juliet.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this is a question from an english assignment on romeo and juliet.

The problem with the question is that it ASSUMES that "Romeo and Juliet" is Shakespeare's "best loved" and that it is his most-often produced. The latter might be true, but I'd dispute the former.

I think it would be more accurate to say that it is probably the FIRST Shakespearean play that most people encounter. Even though there are a number of better and more compelling plays in the canon, a lot of English teachers insist on exposing students to "R & J." Why? Probably because it's the first one THEY read, so they're just perpetuating the cycle.

I know that none of that is useful for your assignment. Try this: it's a play that features a pair of young lovers who encounter serious impediiments to their relationship; in this regard, it's a play that young people (especially) feel that they can "relate" to.

Because it is a comedy (first three acts) and a tragedy (act four and five)

i would like to know your opinion! do you have one?

I like Mcbeth better

I dont know, really....hmmm.....To the Laboratory! mwahaha
lol jk