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Question:is acting a god givin talent like singing is or can anybody do it? and if you are an actor please give me some tips for acting

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: is acting a god givin talent like singing is or can anybody do it? and if you are an actor please give me some tips for acting

mad says both and then say God-given. The later is correct. Actors are born not made. You can study about acting, but you only learn to improve by really acting in plays and films. Tips about what? read my profile and write me at my aol address with any acting questions you have.

Both. There's a lot of symantecal things that you need to learn to really act, but there's an understanding of human behavior that comes naturally to some people. It is a lot like music, how some people grasp it better, but fundamentally anyone can learn.
If you're not taking classes any time soon, the place to start is probably with Stanislavsky's book "An Actor Prepares." This is widely regarded as the fundamental building block for all of western acting. Reading acting books is an excellent resource for insight and a means to understand acting the way it's looked at by the world of theatre.
Next would be to get out there and try it. Hit community theatres and acting classes at community college. Or go out and audition for some commercials or something.

You do need to understand what acting is all about, but you'll never know if you've got chops for it until you give it a shot.

It depends on the person, if he doesn't feel acting or if he is not interested in acting then the output will be not worthy. But acting is one of the most precious elements of arts because it expresses a feeling and thoughts that a person never pass through it and it can touches once feelings..

When acting you should feel the role you're playing and don't be shy.
Don't ever turn your back at the audience because that is a crime in a theater play.
One should practice correct articulation, enunciation, pronunciation, phrasing and good quality voice.
You must glance at least once in a while in the audience, face them all the time and have some line that you are talking to the audience.

Hope this will help you... Break a leg (in theater that means GOODLUCK!!!) : D

It can be both, but the really good actors,the ones that make it, have a god given gift for it.The ones who dont usually dont get anywhere.

Acting is both a God given talent and a learned art. The truly great actors seem to have been born with some type of raw talent, however to become great they have honed that skill. Of course anyone can learn to act, but that doesn't mean they will be great. However, you should also keep in mind that being a great actor is not required to make a living acting. The movies and television are full of bad actors. Looks, celebrity, money, and shrewd business skills can all carry you a LONG way in the business. You should also be aware that there are many different types of acting. An actor in movies may use a completely different set of skills than a stage actor, depending on the role. I like great acting. Maybe not the big star, but the actor who nails the character. There are cases where the great actor becomes rich and famous, but there are very few of them. Fewer as time goes by. I would love to give you some tips for acting, but I need to know more about the venue you will be acting in to give you any truly worthwhile advice. Musical theatre, television commercials, outdoor drama, a dramatic stage play, all require different skills. Anybody who tells you differently doesn't know the first thing about "getting the job".

Many people say different things, here are my views from experience:
You have to have a bit of personality, something special that intrigues directors (they're all crazy anyway) and will keep you going to the top. You have to be TOUGH and DEDICATED, willing to listen to constant critism and insults. You need to have talent, as well as a little something that gives your part extra character. REMEMBER, a character in a play is just a puppet, YOU bring it to life. Put your own passion into it and experiment!

If you are willing to get cracking, put up with constant negative feedback and little pay, then acting is obviously your passion. If you, however, expect to make it to the red carpet without any tears and strut around linking arms with the celebs, then you're better off becoming a celebrity make-up artist or masseuse (they are the ones the stars take around on holiday)

If you're serious about it and honest to yourself, then good luck!