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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> What song should I audition with?

Question:I am auditioning for the school musical and I have no idea whatsoever what I should sing. It has to be from a musical. I would like it to be a Disney musical song. Thanks for your answers.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am auditioning for the school musical and I have no idea whatsoever what I should sing. It has to be from a musical. I would like it to be a Disney musical song. Thanks for your answers.

maybe try go the distance from hercules?

How about "Out There" from the Disney-animated version of The Hunchback of Notre Dame?

Listen to the songs pick a song that would be difficult fo most people but somethign you can do dont do a song EVERYONE does then it wont seem surprising choose a song you know by heart but dotn hear lots of people singing

Get a song from High School Musical or something of the sort. Those are good songs.

do fabulous by ashelt tisdaled

You should definitely try the song in Hercules it sounds pretty good on any voice.

Along with choosing a song that is unique, I would choose a song that means something to you. If it moves or inspires you in some way, it should be easy to showcase your acting ability as well as your voice. I'm not as familiar with Disney musicals as I am with others so I'm not going to try to make any specific suggestions. Good luck!'s just a few!!

"A Whole New World"-aladin
"Zero to Hero"-hercules
"Go the Distance"-hercules
"Bet on it"-high school musical 2 [[haha]]
"I Just Can't Wait to be King"-lion king
"Be Our Guest"-beauty and the beast
"Second Star to the Right"-peter pan

try more at this website..!!

hopefully that helped, and good luck at your auditions!!

Have a look at this page link on my site for new and apiring actors. You will find there places to go and find the songs you are looking for as well as some information about which songs are overdone!
