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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How does someone get an acting agent?

Question:For teenagers? I want to start acting and auditioning as soon as I can but I know it isn't easy as pie. How does the whole process work?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: For teenagers? I want to start acting and auditioning as soon as I can but I know it isn't easy as pie. How does the whole process work?

Agents work on commission so they only work with people they feel stand a chance and you're intially dead meat because they are sending bread and butter actors out first to make $$$

Agents who are union franchised only like to work with union or union eligible actors because the studios don't like paying fines and rarely look at non-union.

So it's tough.

You need an 8 x 10 glossy, a resume of your work history in show biz

You need to be able to travel to an audition site ON YOUR OWN NICKLE. Auditions are 5-20 minutes. If you're in the union they have to pay you starting with 3rd call back.

You need to have $2,500 on hand in one payment in case you do get cast in a union job (required to work).

If yu are under 18 you need a full time parent on the set and at auditions, with transportation.

If you are 16 or 17 a parent might be optional for overseas work and if your parent wants to come they may have to pay their own way unless you negociate a deal (which is what agents are for). Union card may be optional too!

California work rules are strict. Parent on set. 2 hours work, 2 hours school, lunch, 2 hours work, 2 hours school, overtime only when vital. Teacher has to be provided free of charge between Sept and June.

After you hit 18 or on location overseas the days are typically 10-14 hours.

Set call is typically 6 am you are typically there til 6 pm

Under 18 work after 9 pm only by special permit

Firstly start getting into all you're school productions, work really hard in drama classes and such. Start attending drama classes outside of schools which will do productions. Try and get a leading act or something which shows of your skills. Audition for productions and such. Someone might spot you. Good Luck.

I agree with xmal.Just getinto anything that involves show biz.Get an agent on internet or in the yellow pages if you can.but that comes after you fill up your resume

They are called talent agents not acting agents. Your parents have to get one for you as you cannot sign contracts untiol you are 18, If you do not have your parents working hard to find you experience, training and and agent, you will never make it as a teen.