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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I am playing Golde in a production of Fiddler on the Roof...?

Question:Do you have any suggestions for some other good films where I can study the accents and mannerisms of of a good Jewish mother? It wouldn't need to be from the same era, just a good representation of a Yiddish accent and what not.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Do you have any suggestions for some other good films where I can study the accents and mannerisms of of a good Jewish mother? It wouldn't need to be from the same era, just a good representation of a Yiddish accent and what not.

You need to look at films which accurately portray Jewish women of the early 20th c. That's not easy! The film of "Fiddler" is a must-see. "My Favorite Year", "Kissing Jessica Stein", and the others suggested, are of a later generation and a later era, and these are not relevant. The accent of the immigrant generation is quite distinctive.

Try "Yentl", "Hester Street", Al Jolson's original "The Jazz Singer" ( a bit stereotyped, but worth a look-see), and maybe some of Molly Picon's early films. These latter are in Yiddish, but you can study the mannerisms. If you can find any video's of Gertrude Berg's TV show, that will help you with the accent. Also recordings of Fanny Brice's "ethnic" humor.

Have fun, it's a great role!

Have you watched the movie version? You sound dedicated to the art of acting. Congratulations on you getting this part, I love this play! Why don't you contact a Temple or Jewish Center in your area and tell them what you are looking for. They might have someone with whom you can talk to, and tape her talking, or video tape her actions, especially in lighting the Sabbath candles, which is what I think you do in the play. Be respectful of what "tradition" means, and study what the play says about the daily life of Jewish people and how it relates to the outside world. I take it you are not Jewish? I'm not, but I love the Jewish religion.

Well, aside from watching Fiddler itself, you could watch:
My Favorite Year
Kissing Jessica Stein
Everybody Loves Raymond (TV reruns) - she may be Italian, but I think they criss-cross sometimes.

Break a leg!

This link shows you hundreds of movies that have someone speaking with a Yiddish accent.

Break a leg!

Since it takes place in Russia, I'm not sure how appropriate a Yiddish(German dialect) is. Sorry I can't be much help.Congratulations on gettin th part. I once tried out for a play, having never acted, and was given the lead role(amateur theatre). It was a challenge, but great fun.