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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> I need monologues for a woman, ages 16-26ish?

Question:I need two monologues soon. I prefer comedy, but any is fine. I can't do any more dramatic Shakespeare. I alreadydid that monologue. They need to be from play, and I've looked through tons but I can't find the right age. This needs to be appropriate from high school.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need two monologues soon. I prefer comedy, but any is fine. I can't do any more dramatic Shakespeare. I alreadydid that monologue. They need to be from play, and I've looked through tons but I can't find the right age. This needs to be appropriate from high school.

here are some monologues for woman, comedy.
Try google and type in women comedy monologue and sift through them. When i was taking theater thats what i did. Also The Vagina Monologues is great. When we went to competition someone won 1st for the when i was 12 monologue. Its truly great

The obvious place to go would be Eve Ensler's Vagina Monologues, but if you want something less racy, I think there are some really great ones in The Laramie Project. I can't remember the one in particular, but there is a lesbian woman who leads an "angel army" of protestors...and I remember her having a really feisty monologue with lots of range. And it was also funny.

ha. go talk to my theater teacher she has so much stuff you could use.... piles and piles.. but i suppose you could talk to yours as well.

try medea, othello, candide, those are great plays.
the crucible might have something

there's a really good one in the cruicible, but it's not comedy...
don't remember the page, but it's abigail to proctor. she says something like "and now you bid me tear the light from my eyes? I cannot! i will not!"

hey im in drama 4 my school theres this one where it gives u tips on how to take care of a pet turtle things like u have to get 2 instead of one or else the one will be lonely and how u paint it with nail polish one its shell with ur fav colour thats at the end the closing thing should say "and u can put nail polish on there shells of ur fav color and if it lives it a miracle turtle and if it dies...theres a great reason to put a turtle funeral....."i hope that helps and theres a nother one that goes like this..... do i have to audtion for this play??? I don't like singing, i am really bad at it, im fine being a tree or a...rock, plzzz don't make me audition for a part i can't sing at ALL one time in church i was singing when i was little, and they all kept staring at me, and i thought it was cause i was cute, but then my sister told me i sond like a dieing turkey ive never heard a dieing turkey...and im glad!!! at birthday parties they ask me to hold the cake instead of singing. So how about i paint the set. Is it a deal??