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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> Is acting a good career?

Question:I am 15 years old and i would really like to get into acting but i don`t know a lot about it and it would be greatly appriciated if someone who has experience in the field of 'showbiz' could inform me about the pros and cons of it. Thank's.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am 15 years old and i would really like to get into acting but i don`t know a lot about it and it would be greatly appriciated if someone who has experience in the field of 'showbiz' could inform me about the pros and cons of it. Thank's.

I'm not really experienced in acting, so you might not care to read this BUT I do know a little.
Pros would be fame and having PLENTY of money. Fans and people who look up to you and admire you for your hardwork. Some fans may even send you gifts and letters of encouragement. Plus some movies are filmed at exoctic locations and some actors really enjoy the feeling of traveling and seeing new places.
Cons are that there is a HUGE competition in acting. That said, you need to have a back up plan. A plan to fall back on so you can still support yourself. You can't become a famous actress overnight, so you will need a job to support yourself. Another is the traveling, as I said before it could be a great experience BUT some people don't like the fact of leaving their friends and family for so long, if you plan on having a family of your own one day you're probably gonna be with your kids. Since you are 15, kids and husbands shouldn't be one of your concerns yet. Lastly is the privacy. Imagine having tons of people scream, cry and yell your name out and follow you with cameras and things they want you to autograph. Imagine having people spread rumors of you all over magazines. How will you react?

I'm not trying to bash on your dreams. Acting can be a great experience and very rewarding. Yet at the same time, there's several things to take into consideration besides fame. If you have a dream follow it-but create a back up plan to fall back on just in case. ;)

All the best!!!

Pros--the work is creative and satisfying
you meet interesting people
the working conditions are good
the pay is good, and if you should happen to become known, the pay is terrific

Cons- it takes a long time to get anywhere
most aspiring actors never get anywhere
even union actors rarely make a living at it.

The very determined and hard working individual who is properly advised and properly prepared has a real chance at success. For further information read my profile and write me at my aol address where I give free advice.

The possibility of working with the best actors and directors in the business.
The possibility of earning loads of money.
The possibility of being recognized by winning awards for good works.
The satisfaction of doing a good job (no matter how small the role is).

Being one of many people up for a role.
Not getting a role because the director has someone else in mind - even if you would be perfect.
Long time between jobs, so having to have a second career so you can keep paying he bills.
Not getting any acting work for years on end.
Earning very little money.

If you want to become an actor, you need a complete passion for it. Nothing will put you off wanting to do it. Even in the worst times you still keep hold of your dream.

dont listenin to theatre doc.
acting is a great dream to have but go to school and have a back up plan of maybe being an acting coach.

if you want it for the love, and not for the fame, then its the best career in the whole damn world.