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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> For great ACTING. Serious Actors please, only! Please give......?

Question:Actor- its a funny word, as it represents many things.

BUT what makes a GREAT actor?

What techniques are there for good acting and warm up excersises?
(eg. how to get into to create a character.......(more if you can please!)

What makes YOU a good actor?

Thank you for your time!!

10pts to detail, examples and answers that answer the question in depth.

(you answer for 2 points, but make a good answer and you get 10 for nothing!!)


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Actor- its a funny word, as it represents many things.

BUT what makes a GREAT actor?

What techniques are there for good acting and warm up excersises?
(eg. how to get into to create a character.......(more if you can please!)

What makes YOU a good actor?

Thank you for your time!!

10pts to detail, examples and answers that answer the question in depth.

(you answer for 2 points, but make a good answer and you get 10 for nothing!!)


You have to put as much into your character as possible. A character you play is really a meeting of who you are and your interpretation of who that character is to you. Your interpretation should have a degree of depth and accuracy. You need to be historically accurate, have correct posture, the correct accent, the proper clothing, etc. You should also know everything about your character - who they are, where they were born, where they went to school, their habits, etc. These elements add reality to your character. When you approach your role, you (as an actor) need to find way to relax yourself so that you are in tune with your acting abilities. This will vary from person to person - so you need to know what relaxes you the best. Breathing, stretching, and yawning seems to be the common denominator with most people.

Well, obviously actors have to be born with some bit of talent. It's pretty hard to teach yourself most of the things actors know (i.e. needed accent classes, drama classes, etc.), so it would be good to find a good teacher.

How to get into character depends on what amount of talent you have, and your basic knowledge of a wide variety of characters and their behavior, also your own ability to modify them in your own way, to make them seem original.

Preparing takes, weeks... even months, depending on the difficulty of the play/movie. Again, it really depends on you.

Warming up... you could warm up by repeating the most important lines a couple times, so you're sure you'll get them right during the play, or when filming.

I'm not a real actress myself, but I've read many things online about how to improve your acting abilities, and I have a good idea of how to do it.

...all I need now is support.

I hope that helped you, even in the least :)

Hi , Miss Questions,I found interesting information about your answer here. .have a good day.

Read 'Respect for Acting' By: Uta Hagen.

In my opinion, the great actors and actresses are the ones who lose themselves in the role. Johnny Depp and Alan Rickman are examples to me. Unlike, say, Tom Cruise, you don't notice them acting and the character becomes real. Johnny IS Capt Jack Sparrow --- Alan IS Severus Snape. That is what makes someone great.

Each actor is different

Dustin Hoffman spends weeks building a character

Lawrence Olivier just play acts. He just takes a role like a 5 year old would. He used to chide actors who had to use some method or go meditate for an hour before they could say their lines!

Michael Caine says it's your dialog phrase.

Never say more than 3 words at once time. Speak in groups of 3 or 4 words.

Watch him act

You'll see that in action.

He speaks it like he was reciting a poem

Some actors play themselves all the time.

Anthony Hopkins.

Zorro with an English Accent!

But he's considered a good actor!

So was John Wayne

So you just moosie on and don't worry about it, little Missy

Or as Michael Caine might phrase it

So you just

Moosie on and

don't worry abou it

Little missy!