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Position:Home>Theater & Acting> How to get RID of an Accent.. Help...Please help me, if you can, please?

Question:I have slight accent and i want to get rid of it.
Ive been living in England for about 9 years and i still have one!!

Any tips and tricks, techniques--- PLEASE People, lend a hand!

Please anyone, HELP me!!
i want to act and do different accents, but sometimes my own accent get in the way.

Also if i have an accent , can i still do other accents right?

thank you!!!!! :):):)

((ps- its like a light Spanish accent. ))

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have slight accent and i want to get rid of it.
Ive been living in England for about 9 years and i still have one!!

Any tips and tricks, techniques--- PLEASE People, lend a hand!

Please anyone, HELP me!!
i want to act and do different accents, but sometimes my own accent get in the way.

Also if i have an accent , can i still do other accents right?

thank you!!!!! :):):)

((ps- its like a light Spanish accent. ))

You will talk like the people you spend time with. Start hanging out with those you want to sound like. It works for me. I mimic other peoples accents without thinking.

Haha!!! I know what you mean! I kinda want to get rid of mine!

You need to go to a voice coach and they can teach you how to speak without it. It's gonna cost you some money but they can definitely get rid of your accent.

Getting rid of an accent can be hard, but it is possible.

Spend some time in an area like America, long enough for you to pick up the accent.

You can still do other accents- I have a strong Texas accent and I can do normal american, English, brooklyn, Irish, Scottish, Polish, German, and sometimes russian and middle easteren accents.

You just have to learn to overcome it- it is possible!!!


I'm from Texas and tried really hard while living there for 19 yrs to never get the accent. From time to time if you piss me off good enough you can hear it, but it took a lot of work for me to allow myself to basically have no accent. My theatre teacher was the one who helped me, but it wasn't with my accent, it was with the fact I had a fast speech, you couldn't understand a word I said. So the best thing for you to do it to get a vocal coach. Have an open mind too, because I felt like an idiot for about a month while I worked on my speech. I still have to work on it to this day, but most people understand me, and I still was able to keep off the Texas twang, which it horrible to pick up. Your vocal coach will also be able to help you with other accents, but the most important thing you need to remember is to try not to have an accent at all, because nothing is worse then a bad accent.

i dont think you can. but u can mimic other ones. like for example i have an San diego american accent but i can talk w/ a convincing english, spanish, irish, russian, italian, jamaican, middle east, and french accents. i did that just by listening to them on movies and ppl i met who moved from one of those countries